Revealing the past part three

1455 Words

HAWK We are pulled from the memory, and I feel tears running down my muzzle. Pheonix licks them away, "are you okay brother? I am so sorry you had to go through that." Leaning my forehead to his, I sighed, "I am okay, it was like watching a really sad movie, and you know how Hunter and I are with sad stories." He chuckles and I feel mamma rubbing along my side, "my poor baby, I am devastated for both the wolves and the humans." She looks at Selene, "she was a dark witch, wasn't she?" Selene gave us a small smile, "you will find out soon, the story has not ended yet," her long soft fingers cupped my muzzle. "the next part is from my memory, are you ready?" I felt my dads closing in around me, their closeness giving me courage, and I nodded to Selene. Again, we are transported into the

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