ARCHER We are standing with some of our friends when she walks in, the smell of freshly brewed coffee with a hint of almond and nutmeg, hits me in the face. Hawk pushes his way forward and shouts, "MATE". I hear Pheonix shout the same, and I am sure I hear the word whispered form my beautiful girl. I try to meet her eyes, but she is staring at Asher, the love that is in her eyes for him makes me want to cry. Will she look at me like that? I watch as Ash stalks towards her and cups her face, she grins at something he whispers and links her fingers behind his head, Ash leans down and kisses her, holding her so tightly to him, hearing them both moan makes my heart hurt, but makes me hard at the same time. They pull apart and look at each other, whispering words of love. she looks tiny be