Secrets of the Guardians part two

1664 Words

ASHER Archer and I follow Astro into the garden. She looks lost in thought, we sandwich her between us and she lets out a contented sigh. "are you okay my love? That was a lot." She chuckles into my chest, "the more we find out, the more our bond makes sense, my whole life I have felt your absence. When we have been together, I feel whole, and when we part it has always felt like part of me stayed with you. The more we learn, the more I understand that our souls have always belonged to each other." She leans back into Archer, "my whole life I have felt the need to claim you both, but there has always been a niggling inside of me that I would lose you. Now I understand it's because I did lose one of you. In my vision, Selene told Lucinda that she would never feel complete. I think that i

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