The Rising Moon

1523 Words

ASHER The last three days have passed like a blur. Aiden, Jess, Leander and Hayley all returned to Paxos yesterday, leaving both Rhea and Lily here with us. We are heading to the Rising Moon this morning. Rhea and Lily are coming with us. Rhea has been wanting to train with their warriors for as long as I can remember. I think they may be in for a shock when the tiny sixteen-year-old joins their ranks. She has been able to take both Archer and I in a fight, and even managed to put papa on his as.s last time they went at it. We are also sending a team to scope out Yilan Island. We need to see if the pack is still there and how hostile it is, so our Beta Benji, Liv and some of the elemental elites including, Jasper, Gilly, and Jamie and our two witch/wolf hybrids, Andrea and Jenkin, are

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