The Mysterious Glowing Eyes

1769 Words
Hanan's POV Where am I? When I open my eyes, I see nothing but darkness then a glimpse of little light caught my eyes. I narrowed my eyes to see it clearly when I absentmindedly walked towards the light and get a closer look. The closer I am, the bigger the light appears. It's too late for me to get back when I suddenly felt strong energy that is pulling me into the light until... I saw busy people on the street. Everything is lively and lovely until a glimpse of a quick light caught my attention. I tried to scan the busy street without moving afoot. I was stunned when his eyes locked to mine. I can't remember how I managed to spot him. Everything had gone so fast. He is looking at me and I absentmindedly gazed at his glowing purple eyes. I shivered—felt cold as his eyes darkened yet glowed more as if it is shimmering with dazzle. I could feel I am now breathing heavily. "Come, ——." A faint voice of a man is inviting me. My heartbeat raced as his eyes shimmered more. He is exactly talking to me through my mind, using telepathy. He keeps on calling my name but I can't hear it. I don't know why, but I know it is I whom he is calling, just the name sounds different. I rubbed my chest as my heart began to ache as a strong feeling deep inside of me knew something as if a part of me was being denied. I can barely hear the name that he called me and still, I am stunned by his look in a vast distance. I couldn't even blink as his eyes hold mine. Our eyes were locked at each other as if he is trying to connect with my mind, trying to say something more. I gasped when he looked away and the vision of him gradually faded. Then everything went dark. I opened my eyes as I tried catching my breath so fast and heavily. After a few seconds, my breathing is now stable, my body is coated by my sweat. I wasn't aware that I am already holding my breath just by watching those glowing eyes. I scanned around the room hoping that I could see those eyes, him again. But I failed. All I could see is a white ceiling, a window on my left, and curtains that divide the area. I sighed in disappointment. Right, I am in this place, again. I sat on my bed when the nurse in this clinic went in full of energy. "Oh! You're awake." She said smiling. I groaned as I tried to stretch my back. I always got this back pain every time I faint. They say whenever I fainted if they lay me in that position I always stay in the same position like I never dared to move as if I am good as dead. Although we can't deny the fact that "faint thing" is alarming stuff because you might be in a coma if you won't wake up for more than 2 days. "You are now good so you can go now. Or perhaps you'll wait for your daddy here?" She knew that dad will come every time I faint. Everyone knows that. "How long did I faint?" The nurse looked at me in a comforting way. Nurses that I had met always acted like this though. Friendly and comforting but dangerous. They always have that deceiving friendly smile trying to convince you that those needles and syringes they were holding don't hurt. The most hilarious joke that nurses love is "this is just nothing like an ant bite." I don't hate their tricks, I just dislike it but somehow comforting a li'l bit. "Hmmm." She grunts as she put her finger on her head, gestured the act of thinking when she finally blinked, and clapped her hands one time in delight. "You've got a huge achievement for breaking your lowest time record." "15 minutes? I asked politely. "Nope, 24 minutes dear." I gasped at her response. Seriously? I rolled my eyes in disbelief. My lowest record is 25 minutes, and only one minute to go 24 will become 25. How can that be considered a huge achievement? "You know Miss Jen, your logic does not always make sense." I sarcastically said. She pouted her lips and looked at me with puppy eyes. She is crazy, I can be annoyed if I wasn't used to her. I like her flaws though. She is like a sister to me. She always took care of me since I was a kid, she's this Academy's nurse after all. A sudden glimpse of memory from my dreams flickered on my mind as those glowing purple eyes on my dreams appeared. I grunt as a loud and hurtful echo buzzed on my mind. It hurt my ears so bad. I harshly cover my ears as my mind became fuzzy because of the pain that I am feeling. "Hanan, are you okay?" The nurse asked warily. I held my right hand to stop her from walking towards me. "I'm fine. Just a li'l headache from falling in the ground earlier." I reasoned without eyeing her. "Are you sure?" That's weird. Her voice became too loud. I did not dare to answer her but nodded, instead. "Okay, just tell me if you need something." She said in worry and walked away as I gestured her to go away. "Next time don't let your guard down. It might have killed you in a real battlefield." Is that dad? "Yes sir." Andrew's faint voice responded. That's weird, I could definitely tell Andrew's direction. I can also tell that he is outside the wall or door perhaps. As well as Miss Jen's footsteps walking towards the door and even heard the click sound of the opening door. The sound echoed and is too cringy to my ears. H—how? "How is she?" Father asked. "She's fine and awake, sir." The nurse replied. I lightly groan from the tiny but painful echo of the nurse's voice. I can clearly hear dad's footsteps coming in my direction. I stayed on my bed trying to control my hearing to prevent those hurtful echoes again. I tried harder to suppress the pain until I hear a faintly familiar voice. "Calm down. Close your eyes and heave a deep breath. — >>Ngireah Silenzia(a spell)<<." Then the voice gradually fainted—again. I can't really understand what is happening to me but I followed the voice and calmed myself as I gently closed my eyes. I could now faintly hear dad's footsteps getting closer. A smile left my lips for my achievement but suddenly changed when he sat beside me, the crank sound of metal in my bed echoed. "Father!" I exclaimed in a surprising pain. He grinned at me and hugged me tightly. "Hey, hey, hey! Old man, I am already becoming a lady ya'know. Stop treating me like a child." I said with a wide grin as I parted from his hug. His presence never failed to give me real comfort. "Really? You still look like a baby for me princess." He said in his teasing tone as he SMIRKED! I still managed to calm myself down and his voice no longer hurt my ears. "That smirk huh. Is that the price for calling you an old man? Geeze, are you really my father?" I snorted. He knows I don't want to see him smirk especially at me, he just looks like a criminal like I can't find my father wherever angle I'll look on his face, seems like he is no kind when he does that. His eyes were cold and his smile is irritating. He grinned widely and said, "Nope, not until you became my daughter." I rolled my eyes to avoid funny arguments. I can't defeat him with that after all. We are always like this. He is not just a father to me, he is also my best buddy, my brother, and my crime in tandem... though he won't allow me to do real crimes. He is everything to me. I heaved a sigh when I remembered the fact that I can't stand with blood and everyone knows that. That's the reason why I don't use a sword. I tried using a sword before but the sword is just too long for me to wield and is easy enough for me to leave my opponent scratch or injured. I am used to having close attacks and I am too fast than anyone. I decided to use daggers instead to prevent myself from getting too close. Is my logic not working? Having daggers or a dagger on my hand can keep my mind away from getting close, instead, it encourages me to block all the attacks for I am aware that it is my disadvantage. Block the attacks then make the person surrender, depends on how good my opponent is. It is either my scissors locked move or places the tip of my dagger on their chin. "So, I fainted—AGAIN." I groaned in disappointment. "Really? I thought you were just exhausted and you suddenly fell asleep." He said trying to joke around. "Seriously old man? Throwing a party in the middle of the war?" I replied in disbelief. "Well at least, you did not die. That's all my concern. As long as you're with us, still breathing in the same air, then I'm good." He paused for a while and then pointed to my wristwatch. "Hey lady, you're going to be late for your next class. No skipping and better give Andrew a massage. He's nervous cause the princess passed out." He started to head back as he paused—again, "Oh! I almost forgot. Go easy on him. Your knight is still injured." I was left puzzled trying to connect the dots. My eyes widened as I realized Andrew had a big cut. We were friends since we were kids and we were used to be rough on each other. If only I won't faint with blood maybe we already throw pranks that might injure us already. I closed my eyes as I tried to suppress and ease the pain of sounds on my mind as my dad retreated. Do I really need to make myself occupied to forget this new ability of mine? Yes, I already counted this as one of my abilities apart from my ability to see the past.
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