Chapter 9

1674 Words

Zero places a tray of food in front of Wren and even though he aches to touch her, to kiss the top of her head to even get close enough to get a big lung full of that scent, he refrains, he just hopes the more he does it the easier it becomes. Steele places the tray in front of Griffin, his eyes fixed on the tray in front of him. It feels insane that their lives have been turned over only an hour ago and now they are doing something as monotonous as sitting eating, a life-changing event, yet it feels like any other day. Steele dares a glance at Wren. No, it is still different. Now that the boys have sat down and the view of Wren has become clear, the silent cafeteria fills with frenzied whispers, all eyes firmly fixed on the girl. They were excited that it was a girl, but now seeing her

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