Wren can’t say anything more. What does she say to that? Steele reaches out, holding her hand tightly. "I am sorry Wren" "It is not your fault" Steele moves forward and, even though it is a little awkward in the seated position, his long arms wrap around her, pulling her close. "It isn’t your fault either" Wren nods, her face moving against his chest, but she cannot help but feel responsible. She tries to have a certain amount of confidence in her voice. "I know" Wren pulls back, looking at Steele’s face once more. "It is all better now…" Steele nods, he can feel it in himself. Wren tries to lighten the mood even though her heart feels so heavy. "I promise that I won’t wear it again" Steele smiles as he stands, grabbing Wren’s hand and pulling her to her feet. "That is not nece