3. A Harvest of Bones-2

2253 Words

“What the hell is it?” she said. “Bone Harvester,” said Nox, still up on the hedge. “One of the undains' attempts to spawn creatures like dragons. The boy must have summoned it with that whistle. To collect the body and take it away to be … recycled.” The creature banked again, more steeply this time, then half-landed and half-fell. It filled the lane as it limped toward them, mouth gaping wide. “How do we stop it?” said Cait. “What do we do?” Ran tried to find the words, then gave up and broke into a stream of his own language. Nox translated. “He's saying you have to kill it. He said Fer managed it and now you have to do the same.” “But why don't we just run?” she shouted. “It's come for the undain, not us.” Nox jumped down into the lane to stand with her. “No. It doesn't work lik

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