8. The Ice House-1

2069 Words

8. The Ice HouseShrieks filled the night air, a wailing that seemed to scrape across Cait's bones, striking discords over and over. Bestial growls joined the cacophony, like some of the more death metal bands Danny listened to. The sounds grew louder all the time. Closer. On her knees, Cait peered through one of the little archways. Banks of lights glowed all around, as if an army was encamped out there. Lugg scrambled to his feet. “We have to leave. We have to leave right now.” She looked back into the darkness of the loft. “What do you mean we? They haven't come for you.” “I can show you a way out,” said Lugg. “I can help.” “No. It's not safe. You can't risk it. This is your home. They won't harm you.” “You think? You know what will happen to me if I stay. There's nothing for me he

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