Chapter 9

2506 Words

Alissa's POV I slowly fluttered my eyes open and enticing scent got my attention. I fully opened my eyes and saw Luke by the couch sleeping. I pursed my lips to keep quiet as I carefully pushed myself up. I sat there and stared at Luke while he was sleeping. He looked peaceful and harmless which is the opposite of how he is when he's awake. His features matured since the last time I saw him and I'm not surprised. Aunt Liv and King Luan have really good genes so it's not a surprise that their children are equally as attractive as them. That's something I can't deny. Luke is scary and cranky but he's one attractive dude, I'll give him that. I stared at him like that for a few moments knowing damn well that this is a rare moment. "Our mate is so dreamy, isn't he?" my wolf suddenly

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