Chapter 26

2005 Words

Alissa's POV "You're really not going to start an argument?" I asked still baffled with Luke as we walked back to the palace. "Why? Do you want me to?" he asked with a light chuckle. "It's just...not very you" I said. Luke chuckled again. At this point, I am extremely weirded out by his behavior. Luke is a lot of things but level headed is not one of his most evident trait. "I'm not happy with knowing that you could have possibly gotten hurt because you so impulsively got yourself into a situation I'm not aware of" Luke said. "For the record, it's a sparring session. I'm meant to get hurt eventually" I pointed out. Luke looked at me then leaned down to my eye level as he stared straight into my eyes. "Do you seriously think that I'll let anyone who lays a finger on you live?" he

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