Chapter 28

2053 Words

Alissa's POV "How long until she wakes up?" I heard a familiar male voice. Luke. "We don't know, Luke. I'm just as anxious as you are for Ali to wake up but the doctor already assured us that she'll be fine and also, I trust in mom and I's ability" a female voice said. Liana "Why does she always get herself in such dangerous situations?" Luke said in a frustrated tone. There was no answer from Liana for a few moments. "Because this is the who Ali is, Luke. She's...selfless, fearless and she would never let anyone harm her loved ones even if it means she'd risk her own life protecting them. She's one of the most amazing person that you'll ever meet in this lifetime" Lia said. "Unfortunately, all that 'amazingness' comes with the daily fear that she might do things like this and m

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