Chapter 21

2013 Words

AN: An additional part was added to Chapter 20 Alissa's POV I woke up to the ray of sunlight as someone opened the window curtains. I slowly fluttered my eyes open and saw a figure standing by a window. "Rise and shine, beautiful" Lia greeted me with a smile. I smiled as I pushed myself up. "Wash up. This is your first official day back. We'll make it worth while" she said. I chuckled and nodded as I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. I showered for some time then got out in a robe. I grabbed an outfit from my baggage and got a pair of beige corduroy pants, a white zip up blouse and white sneakers. Lia must have stepped outside because she wasn't in the room. I sat on her vanity table and dried my hair before brushing it and leaving it down. I put some lipbalm and powde

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