1432 Words

Mated to my human best friend. Chapter 17. Kyle's stance. "Look here, Kate. I know I was at fault. Can you please forgive me?" I said calmly. "I am still trying to figure out what came over me that day that made me act the way I did with you. I’m so sorry," I kept apologizing to her, but she didn't listen. She didn’t even bother to look at me. This was unlike her. Her cold attitude was hurting me like daggers jabbed Into my heart. "Please forgive me, Kyle," "Please, stop apologizing. You are not at fault," she enunciated, "and I don't blame you for what happened. All I'm saying is, let's just forget everything that happened between us that night," "Sure, but –" "The girl you made out with that night wasn't me. I would bever be that way with you. I just was not in my right senses

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