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Mated to my human best friend. Chapter 10 Kate Days went by and everything fell back to normal between Kyle and I. Memories of that day still haunted my mind and dreams, but I didn't dare talk about it. Kyle seemed okay now, so there was no need to complicate things. We talk and go to school together. Just like old times. Today's another day and a new week. It's only a day until my birthday. I will be 18 in a bit. I'm so happy. I’m already a grown-up lady. I started singing while getting dressed for school. My phone began to ring. I leave my bedroom to go pick up my phone in the living room. It was my Dad. "Hello, Dad," I said as I answered the phone on the second ring. I knew why he was calling me. "Hello, my sweet darling! How are you?" He asked. I can tell he was happy by the

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