Two: Leon

1570 Words
I approach enemy territory as I always do: nose to the ground, ears back, tail down. How many times have I put myself at risk? How many times have I been in crossfire? Too many to count. But it's too late now. And anyway, if there was ever a time to risk my own life, now is it. For Hanna. Their compound is rowdy tonight. The younger hunters are out, drinking, laughing. They surround a bonfire. About one hundred yards away from their living quarters. Marcus and Evaline gave me only a few minutes to gather Hanna's friends before they planned to approach the compound with a warning about the rogues. I don't have much time. I listen closely, sniff deeply. I've encountered Cullen enough times to know his scent by heart. I had recognized it on the way here. It was stale, the trail having been made hours ago after his blow-up fight with Hanna after he discovered us. Kissing. Wrapped up in one another. The first taste I had truly had of her. And we had broken apart far too early. Prick. And then he'd pulled a gun on her. His own teammate. His destined captain. How soon their loyalty shifts. How sure am I that her friends will help me now that our bond has been exposed? Not very sure at all, thanks for asking. But I have to make them understand. I have to make them help me. Hanna's life is at stake, and they will just have to put their differences aside. Are they out here, around the bonfire, now? Cullen, Trace...God, who else? I don't really care much for any of them. Don't really care much about remembering them. When Hanna is around, my focus typically narrows in on her. Only her. As far as I'm concerned, whenever we are together we are the only ones in the room. Krista! That's the other one. I listen closely. There is laughter, banter. They're blowing off some steam, it seems. I shuffle through conversations as I approach the treeline. I'm still guarded by the shadows, and a human wouldn't be able to see me from this far anyway. My eyes bounce around before they settle on him. The jealous one. The one who would take Hanna to bed the second she let him. Trace. I suppress a growl, but don't stop myself from baring my fangs. He'll be the last person I ask for help. I could accomplish Hanna's liberation for just Krista and Cullen. And if Cullen revealed to Trace what he discovered, that Hanna is my mate, then Trace would probably be more focused on killing me than saving his teammate. Such weak loyalties they have here. Nothing like the bonds of a pack. I shift my focus from Trace, who is sipping on a bottle of beer and laughing with his comrades, and begin my search for Krista. She's my safest bet. But where is she? I trot further along the treeline, closer to the crowds. I'm still hidden, but I'll need to remain still as I search. I find her leaning against the wall of a shed on the outskirts of the party, a grim look on her face as a fellow hunter, a male hunter, leans in closely. He whispers to her, rubs her cheek with his fingers, but she's too distracted to pay attention. The male hunter sighs, rolls his eyes, and mutters, "I'm grabbing another beer." He paces away, but Krista remains in the same position. Brow furrowed, cup clenched in her hand. She's very still, as if she's thinking very hard about something. She's far enough away from the party that I could approach her from behind. I gaze beyond the shed. There isn't a soul past the structure, everyone is staying close to the fire. I don't blame them, it's a cold night. I shift. Take a slow step towards the shed. Her back is to me, her gaze on her shoes. I hold my breath as I approach slowly. I'm in my human form, so if anyone drunkenly glances in our direction, it won't look immediately suspicious. I am almost to her. My intended plan is to put my hand over her mouth and drag her into the woods. Explain the emergency and convince her to gather Cullen before we leave. But just as I'm about to reach for her, she swings her leg back. Hard. Right in between mine. I groan and tip over, my groin throbbing. Krista takes the opportunity to point a shiny gun in my face. Perfect. Through the pain, I raise my hands slowly in surrender. I'm on the ground now, and she's standing over me. I hiss with disdain. "Gotta love hunters." "Where the f**k is Hanna?" I seethe as I glare up at her. She's looking at me as if I have something to do with her missing friend. Technically, I do. By way of Kol. The f*****g little leech. "She was taken. By a rogue, who used to be part of my pack." Krista stares at me, as if processing my answer. Then smirks. Then presses her boot to my cheek, turning my face into the dirt. "Cullen told me all about what you did to her, you twisted little s**t. You made her your mate. You probably brainwashed her into staying with the rest of those hounds." I chuckle. "You know damn well there is no way to force that girl to do anything she doesn't want to do. She has the will of an ox." She snorts, pressing the sole of her shoe into my face harder. I wince. "You think you can lie to me? He said he found you with your hands all over her. I know for a fact she hates you. She's disgusted by your kind. She wouldn't even be able to stomach the idea of being with one of you." Ouch. That stings worse than the boot on my face. "She was taken! After your little friend left her to walk the trail alone. Which is, by far, the stupidest decision he could have made. There are rogues crawling all over the territory, right under your nose. And I know you know that. She was alone when she was taken. Isn't there some sort of system you guys follow? One to prevent one another from abandoning someone like this? Well, this is what happens when you do!" Krista is silent. I feel the weight of her shoe on my face lighten. I take the opportunity to turn my face toward hers. To look her in the eye. "You know I'm right." Her nostrils flare. The grip on her gun shakes. I look past her, towards the bonfire. That little boyfriend of hers will be back any minute. I need to get out of here, stop wasting precious time on this. "Look," I say hoarsely, meeting her eyes once more. "I have his scent- the one who took her. But it will go stale soon, or get lost in the crossfire of a very major battle that is about to take place between you and the rogues. They are coming for you and this compound. And then they are coming for all of the innocent lives of Delgany." Her eyes widen a fraction. She's beginning to understand. "Marcus is on his way here now to warn Marshal. We will fight with you to make sure they are eliminated. But someone has to go get Hanna. That's why I'm here. Because I need you." Her shoulders rise an inch, before they drop heavily. She lowers her gun slowly, her eyes still trained on my every move. She swallows, resigned. Then asks, "Why should I believe you?" "Because I love her." It shocks me to say it out loud. It seems to shock Krista as well. "I love her. And if you come with me, we can save her. You, me, and Cullen. Because I have a feeling we'll need more than just the two of us." Krista winces, rubs her forehead with her hand. "f**k. f**k!" I sit up slowly, as to not set her off. "Yeah, fuck." "Who the hell took her? What exactly are we up against?" I rise to my feet. Her grip on her gun tightens by her side, but she allows it. I keep my hands up in surrender anyway. "It's Kol. That kid you took for the collection. You know, the one you thought we cared about?" She shakes her head as if to clear it. "Wait. You're telling me that scrawny little string bean took the best hunter we have? Even in his wolf form, he was no match for her." "He went rogue. He aligned himself with the rogues who are already here. He's doing this to get back at me. At my pack." She opens her mouth as if to ask more questions, but we hear a chorus of laughter and someone call out her name. The male hunter. He's coming back. She shoves me behind the shed and faces the party. She pastes a smile on her face, and whispers to me before walking away, "I'll grab Cullen. Meet us at the clearing in ten minutes. We'll help you." She begins to walk away, but before she does, she says, "If I find out you're lying, I will castrate you and enjoy it."

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