You Don't mean Two Sons, But Sons's As In Plural.

2167 Words

Tao POV I lounged in the recliner and watched the telly with my father and his best friend /Beta, which my siblings and I call uncle Theo. "So, what did I miss?" Theo asked. He took a sip of the brandy that we were drinking. " That Zade had his coming of age ceremony he is only sixteen," I said. "Wow, that young to get his wolf," Theo said. "Well, didn't you, or was Thadius got his wolf early also?" Theo questioned us with a quizzical look. "No, I think it was my brother?" dad spoke up. "Ooh, yeah, Silo," Theo said. "Yep, he just turned fifteen when his wolf came." father responded. "How has he been?" Theo asked. "Good, his grandson, is about to be Alpha in Virginia," dad said. "Ooh, that is right, Silo married Alpha's daughter of the Night Star Pack in Richmond, Virginia. Fat

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