Into The Woods We Go.

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Zade POV I was thinking, is she the one for me? I was wondering if she could feel the pull like I could. I am just walking into the woods with two teenage girls and also including my brother which he is horny as I am, and my wolf is getting pissed off at me. Saying you are not with the right girl, I am telling you something is up and I don't feel her wolf how I should feel her.? my wolf said to me in a mind link. So as we're walking towards the Lake. I heard things about this Lake that it is an actual juice. Of truth. I looked over at Candy, holding on to my arm like clinging to me like peanut butter. I was like, well, maybe this will work. I am so into this girl. Damn, I thought, and then my wolf snorted at me in my head. I spoke back, saying, shut up, wolf, I want to get laid. My mind linked back to him. As I was thinking, Damn, she is gorgeous, with the bluest eyes I had ever seen with long straight blonde hair. But I thought I would be more into brunettes with a curvy figure. "Dude, why are you going so slow to the Lake? Come on, bro," Spencer shouted out. "I am coming. Hold your horse's, bro," I shouted back at him. I looked back at him, and he was grinning, with a look to say what I am coming, well later I will be. He was smirking. I was like, damn, I feel sorry for that girl Candy's sister Sandy. I think she is her little sister. "So, are you going to be the Alpha soon?" Candy asked me. "Yeah, I guess but not until I am Nineteen years old and when I found my mate. But sometimes, some wolves in my family find their mate at the age of seventeen years old." I told her. "I don't know what I am doing, but something about you, Zade, makes me want to get to know you better. You know what I mean?" Candy explains. "Yeah, of course, I do. So do you want to take a walk with me alone?" I asked her. She looks back and then in front of us. "Yeah, sure," she replied. I thought while we were walking towards the Lake. I had a big smile on my face. I couldn't believe this lovely girl wanted to spend time with me. "So, where are you taking me," she asked. "You will see," I said while holding onto her hand. Just about Ten Minutes, We finally got there at the Lake. She looks over at me, and then I have Candy in my arms. I will finally kiss her on the lips and see where it will go. I was shocked she just jumped into my arms. Wait what ? she jumped into my arms, and I am holding her up. My lips are pink and swallowing. I am hoping this is love and she is my mate. I thought, but my wolf Cole just growled. I sighed inwardly because my wolf was getting on my last nerves. I mind- link to my wolf. Shut it. He was whining by saying in my head, " You are not with our mate. I know I am a young wolf and not fully developed yet, but I can tell she isn't her. She isn't her, and I can feel it Zade. "Zade, baby, where did you go at just now?" Candy asked. "I was just thinking, why?" I asked her. "Well, you kept saying over and over that. I think she is our mate?" Candy explains to me. "Ooh, well, I am just thinking out loud," I said back. "So do you think we are Mates," she asked me with a big smile? "I don't think I know so," I said. "Let's go and celebrate, darling." Candy says while holding onto my hand. But I didn't feel the electric spark, maybe because I will be shifting into my wolf form later tonight. I heard my wolf's angry whining voice. I am telling you, Zade, she isn't our mate. he mind links me. I am telling you I can feel that she is. I linked back. We will see about that. His mind links back. I just followed her to where she was taking me. "I thought you should be following my lead, Candy?" I said. "Well, I want to go somewhere. We can be alone and not out in the open like we are." Candy says with a smile on her face. "Okay, show me the way then," I said. I heard some giggling in the field where we went past. Then I heard, "Ooh, Spencer" I just laughed out loud, and Candy stopped and looked at me with a smile. "Why are you laughing out loud, baby" she spoke by trying not to annoy me. "I just heard your sister moaning my brother's name," I said. "Ooh, well, let us get somewhere, we can be alone, and then he can see why she was moaning your brother's name like that." Candy says. I thought, isn't she a virgin like me. I looked at her Quizacly, and I was like, what did I say that out loud. My wolf just grunted and said, nope, but she is a tricky b***h. I am telling you something isn't right with her. and then she stopped and took a deep breath, and she said, you know the sounds she is making, you know like that which I don't know anything about that kind of stuff," she said. I think she is trying to get her foot out of her mouth there, Cole, my wolf, said out loud in my head. I think she tried to fix what she said. "You know that I never been alone with a boy before, so I think I could guess what my sister and your brother are doing over there," she says. "Please, now let's give them privacy, okay," she says. I walked with her, and then there were a bit cave ways down from the Lake. "Wow, I had no idea this was here.?" I said. "I found it earlier before your party started when I was walking with sis earlier," she says. My wolf is screaming at me in my head. She Is Not Our Mate.!!!!! You Better Not f**k Her. I just ignored him and went into the cave with her. Skipping away is what you call it when you think you are in love. She was right, and she was moaning loudly, my name like her sister did. " I love this place you have for a pack. I love that we were invited to your party." Candy says while cuddling up to me on the cave floor. "So, did you enjoy yourself? she asked.?" Candy says. "Yes, I did, but why I didn't feel a barrier when I slid into you?" I asked her. "I thought when my dad and grandfather told me I would feel that before I slide in all the way?" I asked her. "Well, Zade, I wasn't a virgin," Candy says. "WHAT" I shouted out. My wolf mind linked me. I told you so. I told him to stuff just now. "Why, did you lie to me?' I asked her. "Because I love you, Zade, I want to be yours, and I already had s*x. I was afraid you would never be mine if I told you the truth.?" she explained to me. "Now, I have you, "Candy says while giggling frantically. I moved away from her and got my clothes, and left. I know I need to find Spencer because these two sisters are nuts. "Spencer, man, come on, we need to get back," I shouted out. "Damn, brother, I am busy?" Spencer shouted back. "I need you to stop what you are doing now, " I said in my Alpha voice. "Damn, baby, I got to go. Maybe we can try again later." I heard him say to Candy's sister. I noticed movement in the fields of floors. Spencer was running over towards me. I whisper in his ear. "Did you f**k her yet?" I asked. I was praying, and please say now. He whispers back into my ear. "Why, do you want to know?" Spencer asked. "Because if you did, you are stuck with a baby with her.If you had unprotected s*x with her." I explained to him. "Dude, I had a condom with me because I wouldn't f**k someone without one unless it were my mate?" he whispers in my ear. "NO, but I have a feeling she is my mate, bro," Spencer says. "Well, she isn't. I can tell you that by looking at her and how she was acting." I said. "Why, what do you mean by that?" Spencer asked. I take a deep sigh, "Because her sister tricked me by giving myself to her." I said. He gasps, " Are you sure.?" Spencer asked. "Zade, man, it is going to be okay. We don't know for sure if she is your mate or not by standing here. Let's get back." Spencer says. "I thought she was my mate, but she isn't my mate if she was. She would still be pure and untouched." I said with an angry voice. "So let's go. Ginny is not your mate, bro," I said and dragged him back with me to the packhouse. "Wait, are you sure," Spencer asked. "I know that she isn't yours, and Candy isn't mine either. Because my powers are coming more and more, and they are getting stronger. " I said. We both leave the girls behind and sprint back to the pack. He is shouted at me. "It was your idea to go and take them sisters into the woods to deflower them, but they played us instead of we played them." Spencer was shouting and laughing. "I am so glad I just ate her p***y and fingered her and not f****d her," Spencer says out loud with relief. He looks over towards me, and he looks shameful. "Sorry, man, too soon," he says. "Yeah, just not even a day or an hour to bring it up the ass," I said. We started to sprint again after we got there; I felt it. Zade, you will get us in trouble if you don't keep it in your pants b***h. I said to him in mind link before I started to come out and find our mate. Cole POV My shifting. I took a deep breath, and the wolves were waiting there to see if they were picked to my Luna. I am a giant wolf and night black with crystal blue eyes shining so bright into the night. I was stretching out and opened up my ears and constructing the smells around me. I take a deep breath, and the girls are all smiling, except one she is shying away. I looked over towards her, and then I was like, Mate. She looks up quickly, and she gets nervous. "What is your name, Mate?" my wolf asked. "I am, I am," she is trying to say but very scared. I got closer to her, and I noticed the girls were glaring at her. I snort at that, and then I get closer to her. I can see the fear in her eyes, and she is bouncing around on foot, and then she looks deep into my eyes, and then, she faints. Fuck I said in my head. "Now, who the f**k was she. While I hadn't noticed her before, I shouted out loud to the other wolves around. "Prince Cole, we have no clue who she is?" Someone said in the crowd. "Well, please do find out?" I spoke back. I wondered why I could smell that scent on Candy, and it wasn't her scent that I smelled. It was that she-wolf that just fainted on the ground right in front of me and everyone else. Am I hoping she is part wolf-like us? I thought. Oh, please don't let Zade screw up with our mate. I thought out loud when I went over to lay her head on my body and keep her warm with my wolf body. I mind-linked Zade. You better not f**k this up for us. I just heard Zade give me a f**k You, and then he stuck his tongue out at me. Yeah, yeah, real mature there, asshole. Mate, please wake up so I can know your name. I was licking her face and neck, trying to wake her up, and then she finally flutters her eyes, and then they flutter open, wow such bright eyes she has. She snuggles more into my warm wolf body, and then she smells me. Then she looks up into my wolf face, and she screams in my face. "Who are you?" She screams. "I am your Mate," I said back.
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