Shocked Couldn't Describe It.

1232 Words

"I am so nervous, Zade," I whispered into his ear. "It's okay, and you've got me," Zade uttered. "Now, I like to introduce my son Zander and his mate Ella. Come out here, you two." Zade's father announced. We both walked out, and he held my hand so I would feel comfortable. I do feel so safe in his arms. I can wait to be mated him and married to him. Zade held hand entangled with mine, and we hurriedly stepped onto the stage. Zade grabbed the microphone. He addressed the family and friends, including the others from other packs. "Now, ladies and gentlemen, nowhere this little lady beside me is our luna to be. Now please give her a round of a hand."Voiced out. Zade was holding on to me by the side of him. and smiling down at me with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen on hi

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