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Michelle was outright despicable. I watched Andrei and Ari repeat the same process with my bank account. In fact, I opened a completely new bank account with Fianco so as not to jeopardize my current finances in my regular account. This time, I remembered to challenge Andrei. I asked him to create my account so I could see him enter the information. He smiled at my request, went on Fianco's website and proceeded to the sign-up page. Like before, the website that opened on his screen was also duplicated on Ari's screen. I watched the screen but nothing was happening. Then, I looked at Andrei, who was holding his hand over his mouth and laughing silently. Ari sighed as she watched the fiasco, her face resting in her palm, expressively telling him to hurry and get it over with. What was so funny this time? He just kept laughing. He shifted the mouse, clicked in the 'First name' slot, typed '#mylove' and clicked enter. Then, the entire page was automatically populated with information. I stared, again, wide-eyed and gaping as I saw every minute detail of my identity appear in a second. He didn't even memorize it, all he typed was…a code? "When did you change it to that ridiculous code?" Ari said in disdain while laughing. "This morning," he replied between bouts of laughter. Both Michelle and Andrei manipulated my life in the palm of their hands. The reality of my powerless self and the situation I faced was inconceivable, regardless of actually living through it and no matter how many days passed by. It was agonizing to feel like all I could do was waddle through the fuzzy, intangible darkness, unable to find solid ground, or a way out. "Why do you keep putting yourself down like that?" he said, interrupting the pessimistic thoughts that had conjured. 'Well, that's all the powerless can do, isn't it,' I thought back. "Just be patient and learn what you can today. Eventually, you will no longer feel so powerless." 'Words of wisdom from a puppeteer aren't very trustworthy.' He had no remark. 'That's what I thought-' "We've been steeped in this since childhood. You can't expect to catch up so quickly." Ari ignored Andrei's one-sided conversation while they continued working. He scanned the first cheque for one hundred thousand dollars using a special scanner. It was immediately uploaded to my new account, and like before, in a matter of seconds, the money disappeared. My account on Ari's screen, however, still retained the full amount. The cheque that Andrei scanned into the computer was being analyzed by a new program. When he removed the cheque from the scanner, there were a lot of red markings on it; the code at the bottom was completely dyed over in red ink. I wasn't sure what he was looking for, but his eyes scrutinized the cheque as he stared at it for over five minutes. We still had one more check to upload. I don't think my heart could handle watching another round of monetary evaporation. Andrei put the check to one side and uploaded the second cheque with the earnings from the sale of the new car. "You don't think this cheque is compromised, do you?" He answered my thoughts before I said anything. "We'll see. I wouldn't get my hopes up if I were you." Not to worry. My hopes had been thoroughly shattered long ago. The second cheque was processed as quickly as the first and the money went through. We watched the screen for a minute, but nothing happened. "How would she have tampered with this one? Didn't you sell it at a car dealership?" I asked. "I did, but she could have attached a program to the registry, for example, so that any dealership that pulls information about this car is required to follow a specific procedure to sell it which would entail using this compromised cheque. That's one way of going about it." 'How troublesome.' "The dealers could also be given a large incentive just to use this cheque, which they would definitely do." 'I can very much relate to that feeling. I too, just made a fuss over a few dollars just a while ago.' Fifteen minutes later, as expected, the account was depleted of all its digital cash. Andrei ran another autopsy program on the second cheque and put it to one side. He logged out of my accounts and closed the browser. 'We're finally done here,' I thought, as I started yawning on cue. Instead of going to bed, as I feared, he continued clicking away. Do these people sleep? Were they going to continue working? As the one who had a lot to learn, I didn't want to complain, even though I wasn't learning anything here. So, I sat beside him while waiting for a good chance to bring up sleep. Then, he reached out his hand to Ari, who handed him a paper. He brought it over to my side and set it down on the table. It was another letter stating that she had won shares in Merz. She was the one to obtain Daniel's ring after I left, as planned, I'm sure. From the corner of my eye I caught her glancing at me with a smirk, mocking my incompetence. I had no remarks. My brows furrowed with regret at not asking to leave earlier so that I wouldn't have gone to sleep feeling so useless. Just then, I felt a knock on my forehead. Andrei was tapping my forehead and waving at me. I was being dismissed a little too late, but at least now I could go and sleep. I saw the next set of free shares of Merz being added to another Stoxa account and disappearing again within seconds. Tonight, I got a sneak peak of the chess game that had been and still continues to toy with my life. It was more than just a physical confrontation. I applauded Andrei's and Ari's valiant efforts to save the money that Michelle had doomed to nothingness. It may have been just another day of work for them, but to me it was an impressive display of their abilities. The next day, I went straight to work from the safehouse. This hectic schedule of work, acting lessons, gym sessions and Undercode training persisted for the remainder of my work week, which still ended with no success in landing any new clients. Dealing with the Undercode world was depressing enough; I don't want to lag behind in my day job either. It was now Thursday, the end of the long-awaited half day of work, which meant I had more time for extra-curriculars and rest. Before today's acting lesson, I planned to eat away my stress and depression of the week and go into the weekend revived. I called it stress eating, but I'd mostly binge on healthy food as per my trainer's recommendation. On my way out of the office, there was a man wearing a black cap loitering around the parking lot. I ignored him as I walked quickly to my car. I then realized I should have called the security first, but since I was almost at my car, I kept walking. I glanced for one second to check the man's position, and he was right beside me. I was so frightened, I jumped back and almost screamed. Why does this keep happening? He put his finger to his lips with one hand, while waving in a downward motion with the other hand, in an attempt to keep me from shouting. I had no experience dealing with thieves, but keeping quiet is the last thing I'm going to do. Or does he want money? If that's what he wants, then I'll give it to him so he can leave. There's no need to worry about the car, since he can't drive it anyway. Still, he was quite patient for a thief. He just stood there not saying anything. Eventually, I composed myself and stood cautiously while looking around for security I could alert, but none came outside. "Have you calmed down now?" the man said. 'This voice!' "Don't say my name," he said. Immediately, I knew that it was Daniel but he wore the cap so low that I couldn't see his face. "What are you doing here? Are you stalking me?" I asked angrily. "Well, you weren't responding to my messages so I had to go and find you." 'Of course I wasn't going to answer your messages, after all that just happened.' "Why would you be looking for me? Why do you even know where I work and the time I leave?" "I need to talk to you. We can't talk now, but please come to this location on Sunday. Please. I'll be waiting." He handed me a piece of paper and backed away quickly. "Make sure you come." He kept his head low to avoid the cameras as he left the premises, most likely, so that Michelle wouldn't see his face. She'd definitely be up in arms with him if she had proof of him meeting me. I got in the car without looking at the paper and drove off. Finally, I could eat something. Thinking about Daniel can wait until after I filled my stomach. I parked my car in a garage near the restaurant where I planned to have lunch, then I walked a couple of blocks to the restaurant. Before I got there, a smiling gentleman approached me. He was decked out in a tailored suit that screamed 'high-class'. What did this person want now? First a hacker, then a thief, and now a scam artist. I never had these sorts of encounters before, so what changed? "May I have the honour of joining you for lunch, miss?" he asked as he held out one hand to me. 'Excuse me?' "I was on my way to that restaurant when I saw you, a beautiful woman coming around the corner. If you are not otherwise engaged, I would love it if you could join me." 'I am otherwise engaged to my lonesome self, so I'd rather not.' He smirked as he looked up at me from his half-bowed position. Then, he stood tall again and turned with his back facing the street, indicating the restaurant he had been heading to. It was no doubt an ultra-exclusive restaurant that I had been eyeing for a while. It had appointments booked out for a whole year in advance, and even one of their appetizers costs more than a full-course meal at regular restaurants. My mouth watered at the thought of trying some of their luxury dishes, for free, I hoped. After a deafening silence, I agreed to join him for lunch. 'Melissa has a boyfriend, but Leiya is single so it should be fine, right?' I asked myself in an effort to quiet my disturbed conscience. I followed him to the restaurant that emitted an aura so powerful that it repelled the unworthy. Against the force of such an aura, it took tremendous energy to even walk through the front door. I hoped this person was just a nice gentleman asking a lady out for lunch. The minute he tries to pitch me any scams, I'm leaving. Actually, I'll endure it until I finish eating, then I'll get out of here. As soon as we sat at our table, he looked outside the window, then he looked back at me. "It's a pleasure to meet you again. I'm Agent Halri Johnson and I'm here on an investigation for the FBI."
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