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So, did Andrei end up spending the night? Yes, he did. Ideally, I would've spent the entire night awake, talking with him, but there was no way I could outlast a programmer at staying up all night when I had nothing to distract me. Even after Andrei turned on the TV, I still couldn't keep my eyes open. Even a shower and a snack was not enough to keep me awake as all of my life's fatigue weighed on my eyelids as the night went on. Despite several nudges by Andrei, who kept trying to get me into bed, I battled on to see if he would fold first, but he didn't. I fell asleep on his shoulders while he continued to watch Netflix. When I jumped out of a light sleep, an hour had passed and it was 5:30 in the morning. "I can carry you to bed if you would like," he said cheekily. "No, thank you," I hastily replied while I wobbled to stand. My limbs were still half-asleep and I couldn't stand straight. He caught me as I was about to fall and helped me to sit back on the couch. After a few minutes, I got the feeling back in my legs and walked to the bedroom. He turned off the TV and followed me, which was exactly what I was trying to avoid. My heart raced as he got closer to the room. I don't think I could deal with sleeping with him again. I wasn't ready for another episode of playing desire and rejection with him. So, I ran inside the room and closed the door before he could get inside. He knocked on the door several times while chuckling at my cowardice. When I didn't answer, I heard his soft footsteps walking away. I felt bad for making him sleep on the couch. Then again, he could always go and sleep in a comfortable bed in one of his other homes. I slept late into Saturday afternoon. When I woke up, Andrei had already made breakfast; it was more of a brunch than breakfast. He was even kind enough to leave a vast amount of extra food, even after I denied him the comfort of sleeping in a bed. "Did you sleep here?" "Yep." I felt terrible for not even giving him a pillow and a blanket. I was so selfishly preoccupied with myself, as I usually was, that I hardly considered his feelings. I had taken him and his feelings for granted to the point that I hadn't thought about showing him any consideration. On the contrary, I was so focused on running away from him and trying not to accept him. He was typing on his laptop while a Netflix show was playing in the background. Perhaps he was working on the Audix program or Paradox. Perhaps he was working on another secret project I didn't even want to hear about. Either way, I sat at the dining table and partook in the brunch feast while his fingers clanked away at his laptop keyboard at lightening speeds. Since it was already so late, my reconnaissance mission would have to wait until tomorrow. Today, I would just go on a date as Melissa and I caved at Andrei's persistent request to drive me to the date spot today since he really wanted us to go together. I decided to make a conscious effort to get to know him and treat him better. As his girlfriend, I wanted to find out more about him through Malik and Melissa's interactions. I mean, I don’t even know basic things such as his likes and dislikes. While I changed into Melissa, so many questions kept popping up in my head, that I forgot the entire list I thought of by the time I was done changing. My mind started to feel exhausted before I even left the apartment. The fact that I hardly slept well did not help either. To no surprise, Malik also drove a completely different, but a more normal, car from what either Andrei or Bryan usually drives. I felt impatient about waiting until we got to the location to ask him questions. Since we were already in disguise, hadn't our date already begun? I also worried about whether he had any taboo topics, but I'm sure he just wouldn't answer anything he didn't want to. "Do you like living a double life? Or a triple or quadruple life, whichever it is?" Melissa asked with her unshakable demeanour. Malik did not answer my question immediately. His eyes narrowed as he pondered over my question. Did I already ask a taboo question, or was he ignoring me because he was driving? "Up until junior high," he said suddenly, "I had found it frustrating to live with so many secrets and identities. I was pretty rebellious about it too, although I always followed through with the missions and lessons. Well, most of them, anyway." "You ran away from your lessons?" "Sometimes, yes," he replied while laughing. My cousin was always tasked with finding and bringing me back. "Didn't you get in trouble? Your mother seemed like she would be strict about those things." "She was definitely the stricter one, who always tried to make me do more lessons and more missions, even after I finished my quota." "Absolutely no one wants to do more lessons, right?" "You understand well." "Though you said it was until junior high. What made you feel differently after that?" "A certain girl." "Are you talking about me?" "That's right." After a brief pause, I simply asked, "How?" While the car was stopped, I noticed he gripped the steering wheel more tightly before he answered. Was this an uncomfortable conversation for him? I couldn't make out any other signs of nervousness; his breathing was normal and his expression was his usual poker face. However, he still answered me, so I took that to mean he was also trying to meet me halfway. "For the first time, I felt like my abilities and background were actually useful. I felt like I had finally found a real purpose to become the heir of the Klehr family," he answered solemnly. "Don't tell me, you were thinking of running away back then?" "Back then, I was basically running away and avoiding my heritage since it felt like a waste of time." Our long drive came to a stop by a harbour. We parked in a garage and walked into a facility across the street. This industrial facility certainly did not appear to be your regular date spot. It was also dark and eerie. I would have appreciated a warning before any horror-based date activities as I don't really take those well. I hurriedly texted him as I felt a little embarrassed to ask him out loud. He chuckled and shook his head as he read the message. "This is a unique date, remember. You can find a horror house anywhere." That's true. Now that my fears had been alleviated, I grew excited about what kind of unique experience lay in wait. Since there were no boats or ships by the pier, we were probably not going on the water. Inside, the facility was cleaner and occupied. I thought it was an abandoned factory, but it was a fully functional facility. What kind of place this was remained a mastery as we registered as guests with the security, then Andrei whispered a random series of letters and numbers that seemed to be a code. The security officer nodded his head in affirmation and reached inside a drawer for two red straps. He told us to put on the straps after we got in the elevator and we went straight to the basement. In fact, we came off at the second level basement floor. There was minimal light, but I trusted Andrei, no, Malik, when he said there was nothing scary about this place. Someone guided us from the elevator to a large, thick door. He shut the door sealed behind us as we walked along the long, narrow corridor. At the end of the corridor was another door which was opened as we came upon it. A man wearing a life vest greeted us and checked our red bands, then we followed him inside. I heard the sound of our shoes echoing as they walked along the iron-laden floor, which I had not heard until now. We walked past a blueprint posted on the wall that confirmed my suspicions. We were now on a submarine. Not only that, we were assigned to a small private room. I rushed over to look through the small round window in our room. There was also a table beside the window that was prepared for two guests. Andrei sat down after I did. My eyes were glued to the window as I tried to make out the underwater scenery. Not long after, a man in a navy uniform came inside our cabin to explain safety instructions and obtain signatures for a waiver. Now, I understand why Andrei told me not to wear a dress or jewelry. As the first crew member finished and exited, another entered with appetizers and a bottle of wine. The cabin was small, but it could comfortably fit four people. It was mostly centered around the dining experience with a medium-sized table, nicely set up by the window. There was also a small bathroom in each cabin, a bunk bed put up on the right wall that was easy to pull down if needed, and enough bottled water in a cupboard to last a month. The second crew member gracefully poured out two glasses of red wine and served a sparkling tray of thinly sliced sashimi along with wasabi and soy sauce. What else would one eat on a submarine date except seafood? A third crew member followed with another round of appetizers as he laid crab rangoons and mozzarella lobster sticks on our table to enjoy along with our departure. Did he just say departure? That's right, this submarine was also leaving port. A few minutes after the third crew member left, a loud roar signalled the start of the engine and I heard the bustle of the crew members running around to manage the submarine for a safe take-off. As the captain announced himself and our departure over the intercom, the lights in our room dimmed and there was just enough light to see the food and my partner sitting across from me. The next second, neon blue lights shone from outside and illuminated the water surrounding us. The engine now puffed softly after it had warmed up and we slowly made our way across the ocean floor. The entire time, I was so engrossed in this exciting new experience and the beautiful oceanic life outside my window, that I forgot completely about my objectives and the long list of questions I was supposed to ask the man staring at the neon afterglow of my ponderous expressions.
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