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Andrei stood up slowly as she took the folder from him. "Thanks," she said, while her face showed that she was obviously lost in thought. He noticed and smiled. He walked over to the sofa, placed his left hand on the sofa beside her right leg and leaned over Leiya. He brought his right hand up to her face but hesitated when his hand was only a couple inches away. He looked down on her slender figure, his face was a couple inches above hers, his hand a couple of inches away from hers. "I had said that I was waiting for this day…for the day when we could be together, Leiya," he whispered. "Because I've always loved you." He pulled back his right hand but before he could step away from her, her head snapped up to look directly at him, while she exclaimed, "Didn't you say my house was bugged?!" Surprised, they both flinched but they didn't move from their positions. 'When did he get here?' she thought. "You were so lost in thought, you didn't hear my offer to give you a ride home," he said, trying to cover for his seemingly suspicious behaviour. 'Wow, it's like I can converse with this man without saying a word.' "That would be interesting. Maybe we should try that sometime. Actually, I would love it if you could get to know me on that level too." 'That's impossible. Since I'm not one of your species.' At that, he burst out into uncontrollable laughter and almost tripped over the centre table when he stepped back. Then I laughed out loud when he almost tripped. We both laughed for a minute, then he reached out his hand to me. I took his hand and got up off the couch to stand before him. I quickly let go of his hand once I found my balance. I regained my composure and turned to face him. "So, are you going to tell me why is it you know that my house is bugged?" "There are people watching you because of your relationship with Daniel." "What?!" she exclaimed with eyes wide open and jaw dropped. "What does Daniel have to do with this?" "I don't know whether Daniel is directly involved or not, but his brother, Saffil, had a very important item. Since you knew Saffil personally, you are also under surveillance." "YOU have me under surveillance?" she asks with a distrusting undertone. "Well, yes and no." "Hey, we're not leaving until you explain this to me." Andrei let out a deep sigh. I was becoming slightly annoyed with him beating around the bush. I couldn't understand why it was so difficult for him to just tell me exactly what was going on. Clearly, I am already involved in all of this. So what's the point in keeping me in the dark any further? "It still isn't clear whether you are involved in all of this. That's why you are only under surveillance. If the people watching you realize that you know certain information, they will no doubt come after you more aggressively. These people are dangerous and that is why I am trying to look out for you." "Who are these people? In terms you are allowed to tell me." "Let's just call them an underground agency. I don't know how he got involved, but Saffil had been working for them for several years. But five years ago, he left with some dangerous items and he's been on the run ever since. I'm guessing the people watching you are from the agency he worked for. They probably assume that if he gave you anything, then he might contact you again in the future." "So you're not interested in whatever item Saffil might have given me?" "I am. However, the only reason I would be interested in taking it is to destroy it. It's not something that should exist in the first place." Andrei looked down at her slightly concerned expression. Then he said, "I'm not asking you to give me the item. In fact, I would urge you to not go searching for anything that looks nostalgic that Saffil gave you. It would arouse too much suspicion, especially since you just broke up with his brother." "Isn't that exactly why Saffil might come back for the item?" "That was also one of the reasons I was watching you, but if I were Saffil, I wouldn't contact you at all. That would more likely indicate that you don't have it and ensures the item remains hidden. Not to mention, Saffil himself might have bugged your house and is waiting for you to show him the item he's looking for so he can sneak in and take it. Like I said, the best scenario is that neither Saffil nor his previous associates get their hands on it and we destroy the item in the future. Hopefully, it's only one item. Remember, you aren't the only one under their surveillance, but if you start behaving suspiciously, you'll become their primary target." "Are you keeping track of the others under surveillance?" "No, you're the only one I'm watching, since you're the only one I actually care about." "What if one of the others has the item and the 'underground agency' takes it from them?" "Then I'll have to find another way to destroy the item. Besides, my hunch says that you're the one Saffil gave it to." "So, I really will get dragged into this mess either way." "Not necessarily. You could certainly carry on with your life without getting involved in any of this." "Can I move on with my life while getting a thorough taste of revenge and still not get involved?" He looked away as if admitting she was right. Then he realized he couldn't tell her yes since he just unconsciously gave away the answer. "I understand how you feel about this, though honestly, it would be a better idea for you to just go back to school and secure a good profession. Then continue living the rest of your life peacefully." He raised his hand up to my face before I could shout in rebuttal. He continued, "Is it unreasonable to think that you might change your mind once you cool off from the heart-breaking experience you just went through?" He wasn't wrong. Anyone in a similar situation might rethink the direction of their lives several times after a break-up. I had already been through that phase for two months after he ended our engagement, therefore I knew in my heart that I would not change my mind about that. "Even if you already thought about it for two months…" "Really, please stop doing that?!" He laughed hard as he walked to the door and I followed him. He placed his hand on the door handle and paused. Then, he turned to look at me. "I get how you feel about wanting revenge. But I don't want you to get too involved at the moment. You've barely just restarted your life and you're not at all settled as yet. Why don't you start with getting a job first? Once your life is stable, we can talk more about your revenge plans." "Alright. Maybe I'll try this company you recommended." He smiled and opened the door to let me out. While he locked the door, I started walking to the elevator and I couldn't help but smile. I couldn't believe I was this happy just from reuniting with Andrei. I even got to see where he lived. I spent the night at his place too. Plus, he's trying to help me get a job and he told me about Saffil. We talked so much last night. My mind started racing away as if on a high. High on…love? No, absolutely not. Immediately before I reached the elevator, I shut away the ridiculously smiling face and put my poker face back on. There was no way I could let him see me acting giddy like I was a girl in love in front of her prince. Of course, that's only a comparison, since I'm not…in love with him at all. This time, he pushed the button to the basement level. He said he was going to drive me home, but I will need my car to go on the road later. I also know that if I decline his offer to drive me home, he is going to refuse as leaving my car here means that I have an excuse to come back to his place - not that I mind. It's also possible that he is going to drive my car back to my place for me. Though disappointing, option two sounds more realistic. In the end, I decided not to say anything and go along with his plans; situations like this will help me to get to know how he thinks too. When we reached the basement, we walked over to a silver car parked across from the elevator. If I remember correctly, he had driven a black sports car from the restaurant. Somehow, I wasn't surprised that he had two cars. I suppose the silver car is his day car and the sports car is for playing around. I started to feel a little irritated thinking about whether he had become the kind of guy to pick up girls using his sports car. He drove out of the garage and exited the apartment complex through large automatic gates that would seem daunting to any intruder. Not only that, there were around a dozen security guards that looked to be ex-military. Then again, this level of security would be absolutely necessary for this ultra-luxury high-rise apartment that had to be teeming with billionaires. That thought was also very puzzling. How, at his age, would he be able to afford all of this? The obvious answer is that his parents gave him money. However, he seems to be way more responsible than the typical 'trust fund baby'. I am so curious, but I can't ask about that right now. I would look like I only wanted to be with him because he's rich - I get the feeling he wouldn't care about that though. I wondered if he ever brought girls over to his place. Did he date anyone else? Is he even dating someone right now? He appeared in my life as though he wanted me to marry him, so I assumed he was single. That's something I definitely need to confirm, but I can't ask him directly. He would take it to mean that I am interested in him and I can't have that. I will play the part of being single and uninterested for as long as possible, no matter how painful that may be.
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