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I was finally released from imprisonment when the elevator door opened and it forced his hand away from the door. I leaped outside faster than he could take his first step outside of the elevator. We walked into what seemed to be a large warehouse on the outside, but the basement floor was unusually empty. "We're here," he shouted to the empty space as we walked onto the floor. His announcement was followed by the sound of heels coming from one direction and a man awkwardly exiting a car in front of us. I stared hard at the man that proceeded to walk towards us. I felt like I had seen that person before, but I couldn't remember exactly when I did. Was it Tristan? I bit my tongue as I felt myself about to guess his name out loud, for fear of making a grave error and leaking unnecessary information. While I continued to search my memory for a list of suspects the unfamiliar man could be, I looked in the direction of the sound of footsteps I recognized very well. No matter what disguise she wore, I wouldn't mistake Ari's footsteps for anyone else's. To my surprise, when Ari came up to us, I noticed that she was not wearing any form of disguise, even in front of this unknown man. "He's unknown…," said Andrei. "…only to you." Ari finished his sentence with her usual haughty girly chuckle, but I was more ticked off by the way she finished his sentence the way besties do. Not to mention, that was a reply from one of his mind-reading antics. "We'll continue working on the car tomorrow," Andrei said with a wave of his hand as if to summon the two to follow him. "I'll see you both back at the safehouse." Wait, both of them? I was quickly led away from the scene by hand as Andrei walked me to a different section of the warehouse where another car was waiting. I had no more time to think about the unknown man who was supposedly trusted well enough by both Andrei and Ari that neither of them wore a disguise around him and who Andrei allowed into the safehouse. "Do you really not recognize me, Leiya?" said the man who waltzed into the safehouse without still identifying himself. He made himself comfortable as he sat on the couch with a bottle of beer at four in the morning. For some reason, I found the whole premise perturbing, but Andrei and Ari were lounging around like they would in front of their family. If he was really family, then why was this the first time I have seen him here? "You should just tell her. I don't think she's going to figure it out," Ari said convincingly. For once, she and I were in agreement. "Do you remember when I helped you to get a certain person to sign up for the Bolster VPN trial product?" Andrei asked while lying on the couch upside down with his legs hanging over the back of the couch. "I remember. That was with Mr. Lango." "Then, do you remember the person who you called to sign him up?" "I called his secretary." "Also, the person who manned the laptops when we went to Mr. Lango's office to put Jeremy in his place." "That was also his secretary." "And what about the fact that Bolster has a long history of partnership with Mr. Lango's company, Mantra?" "Yes, I remember that well." "Do you think we could maintain such a long partnership without having a man on the inside?" "Oh! Are you Kiran, then?!" "She finally got it." Ari's unnecessary comment stung since I was really that slow. "You finally stopped looking at me like a stranger. My real name is still Kiran even when I'm out of disguise, just so you know. Andrei and I are cousins by blood." Another blood relative since meeting his uncle and mother. I wasn't thrilled with my first interaction with his mother, but I was excited to meet the first relative in our age group. "My mother is Andrei's father's sister. Since she married to someone outside the family, my last name isn't Klehr, but I also lived in the main house with Andrei." "Oh, so that's how it is." Then, it's no wonder these guys feel so comfortable around him. "Indeed, we all practically grew up together along with the others." The others? "Curious? I'm sure you'll meet the others when you come to the main estate, hopefully with a ring on your finger." Is everyone on a mission to marry me off to Andrei? Well, everyone except Ari, who shot a sinister glare at Kiran while Andrei just smiled in reconciliation. "Still, I was surprised to see you. Andrei didn’t tell me you were a part of tonight's mission." "I'm ecstatic that you finally became interested in my regular work, Leiya. How about it? Do you want to learn more?" I got comfortable on the couch while they spoke until their highly disturbing conversation registered in my brain. Honestly, if all of their missions were as nerve-wracking as that one, I would rather not delve any deeper into his world. "There's no need to worry," Andrei replied as he kept up his highly disturbing ability. "Shelli loves those types of death-defying experiences, but I prefer missions with less hassle." "We used to do a lot more thrilling missions, but we dialed it back ever since a certain person joined the team," Kiran added further. I knew full well that he was referring to me, but how did my joining the team stop Andrei from doing his thrilling missions? "Do you want to join us on another mission?" Kiran asked. "It's one of the boring ones though." I'm sure we had very different ideas of what boring meant, so I did not get my hopes up. "Sure. I'll do it," I replied anyway, in full curiosity about the so-called 'boring' missions Andrei does. "Great. I can't wait." His reply was followed by laughter from both him and Andrei, but I didn't allow them to rattle me. After an eventful weekend, I returned to work on Monday morning, not feeling the least bit refreshed. It felt weird going back to the office after desperately running away when it was falling to pieces, but the day's operations were proceeding as though nothing happened on Friday. In fact, now that the stressful Fall meeting had passed, the atmosphere was back to its usual state of tranquillity. There was only one thing that was different about today. Several people were missing. Some would be highly missed and some would not. It was disappointing that no one else would know of the extraordinary efforts by Roshni and Shelli to save the company. "Leiya!" I swiftly looked behind me to hear my name being called by none other than Roshni. "Roshni!" I shouted, shocked to see him again today. "How are you still here?" "What do you mean? I never left." "But…Andrei said that you were leaving." "Did he really say that, or did he make you think that?" "Uh. I don't remember, but you could be right. Anyway, I'm not complaining since I'm so happy you're still here." "Me too. Besides, if I left at the same time as those other guys, my name would be grouped with that bad company and I certainly didn't want that." "Oh, does everyone know about that?" "Pretty much. Ari sent out an email about it to say that there was an incident involving corporate spies and they were driven out of the company." "I haven't seen that email yet." On that note, I had no idea that my involvement in dealing with the corporate spies was also made public knowledge, for I was greeted with a standing ovation and treats when I entered my department. "Congrats Leiya. You deserve it!" Leon exclaimed when I passed his desk. Of course, Andrei also conveniently forgot to mention that I was promoted to the Gold team today. I don't feel that I particularly deserved it, but everyone else seemed to think otherwise. The gold team came with more adjustments, since this team was more heavily involved in marketing initiatives than direct sales. My first day back at work after all the drama with Gillian was met with a lot of surprises, but the most surprising thing happened in the lobby on the first floor. On my way to the exit, I was stopped by the girls who were usually part of Katelyn's posse. They apologized for how they acted towards me and anything harsh they might've said on behalf of Katelyn. I in turn accepted their apology and asked them to put this behind us. It seemed we were all on the same page until that moment, but one giant misunderstanding persisted. "I can't believe Katelyn tried to make it seem like you were stealing Bryan from her when she was the one getting in your way the whole time." Um... "I know! I am so behind you and Bryan. You'll never find another guy as perfect as him," said another posse member. "We fully support you. You guys look great together!" said the third posse member. "Um, ladies, I think we're misunderstanding something. Why do you think Bryan and I are together?" "Uh, that's what he said today. You don't have to hide it from us anymore." He said what?! What happened to being low-key? Just then, the man himself appeared from the elevator and walked over to our little group. I watched his movements very carefully, for I was keenly suspicious of what he was planning to do. "Bryan," one of the posse members stopped him as he walked past. "Is it true that you and Leiya are together?" "It's true," he replied with a smile. When in the world did 'Bryan and Leiya' become public news? I swear I can't keep up with this man's current affairs, which he doesn't seem to realize, affects me drastically as well. "In fact," he continued, "I was just coming to see if you wanted a ride home." He looked at my pale, blank and confused face with his charming smile in perfect character, while my character broke down the minute I heard "me and Bryan together". It was a great excuse to leave the gossiping trio, so I jumped on his proposal, but I was still trying to process the irrational conversation as I walked out of the building. "What is going on? Since when are we together?" "Let's say, since Friday," he replied. "I'm not sure if this is a good idea." "Why not? I think it's perfect timing for 'Bryan' to be with someone. And who better than someone I don't have to feign interest in?" "And you don't think I should've known that before I came to work today and found out through a rumor?" "You're right, I should've told you, but it's way more amusing to see your reactions." "Right, like how you led me to believe Roshni was leaving the company." "I thought I'd let him surprise you," he said before cracking up at my complaints. "By the way," he continued, brushing everything aside while we drove home, "Bryan will be going on vacation next week." "Okay. Have fun then." "And so will you." "Oh really? Don't I get a say in any of these plans?" I was happy to get another week off so there was no need to pick a fight over the vacation, but I felt like if I didn't address his bad habits now, he would never stop. "Of course, you do." "Then, could I defer that week of vacation? I just had one week off recently." "You could, but I should let you know that Ari needs me to go on a mission with her that week in Hawaii." "I'm assuming you want me to come with you, but it's not the first time you two have been alone together. Do I really need to come?" "Then, are you going to let me be alone with my half-naked ex (with a great beach body, I should add) at the hotel and beach who is desperate to do anything to steal me away from you?"
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