1985 Words

I couldn't help but take a defensive stance as I stumbled into Katelyn without warning. There wasn't anyone I disliked as much as Michelle, but she was definitely closing the gap in second place. "Excuse me," I said as I proceeded to walk around her before this turned into a scene. "I said, where do you think you're going?" She stepped in my path to block me off. It seemed she badly wanted to make a scene. Alright, then. "I can go wherever I need to, can't I?" "No, you can't, since there are some areas on this floor that are off limits for someone like you. Oh wait, I guess you could get Bryan to grant you access." "What are you talking about?" "No need to play dumb. Weren't you about to run to him for another secret rendezvous? Much like the one you had a couple of weekends ago."

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