1861 Words

When my shirt flew open, I reflexively hugged him tightly to prevent my bra from slipping off. "Did you have to yank the buttons off?! That was so unnecessary!" "Why is your bra open?!" "You unhooked it, remember?!" "No, I didn't!" "Yes, you did. Even if it was by accident. Anyway, just fix it." After a loud exasperation, his hands slipped under the back of my shirt a second time to find the flopping bra straps and hooked them together while I continued hugging him. Once that was stabilized, he held my shoulders while he pushed me backwards until he had enough space to lean forward. He leaned his head on my shoulder and pressed his lips under my left clavicle. He made it known that when he was really trying, my strength could not deny him what he wanted. I gave up on trying to push h

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