Chapter Twenty-Five

1274 Words

Gina The heat made people do crazy things. According to my father, it was the temperature that caused Mama to mow down our town pastor. But I know better. I was there. It wasn’t pretty. The pastor was stealing from the parish, and Mama hated anyone who stole. She volunteered at the church, and she did the church budget. How she caught him, I don’t know. I only know that she did. She gave him an ultimatum, according to Mona, but he must have felt he was untouchable because he didn’t stop embezzling from the congregation. These are your salt of the earth types. People that work hard for every penny they’ve got. Mama was the type of person who never took no for an answer. Then one day we just stopped going to church. I was sad because I missed my friends and my Sunday school teacher, Mrs.

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