Chapter Eight

1139 Words

Gina I can’t stop thinking about the ad. It"s like a burr in my brain, or a familiar scent you can’t quite place but know you’ve smelled before. All that to say, the more I think about the ad, the more my curiosity gets the better of me. Within days of my argument with Daddy, responses start rolling in. Men from all over the country, from all walks of life, are interested in getting to know me. First, the letters come, and then the phone starts ringing. From dawn to dusk, it hardly stops. I am overwhelmed with the attention and don’t know what to do. My father is thrilled, of course. He reads through each letter and then hands them off to me with a flourish, as though he’s just presented me with a gift. “These are your options, princess,” he says. “You can choose any one of these men an

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