
My Vampire Boyfriend


Euey's life is a normal one, normal school, normal friends and wish to have a normal love.

But is that really it?

What if the what you so call normal life is not what it seems to be? What if the friends that you trusted the most have a dark secrets to hide and what if the man you think you already knew is not what you think he is?

Will you run, will you hide or will you accept the fate that was long before sealed?

Now witness her story that will lead her to an extraordinary adventure that will determine how love conquers everything.

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Chapter One: Euey
Nous serons toujours ensemble, de toute éternité The soft swaying of the leaves, the cool breeze as the sunlight falls between the leaves; all Euey can say is how peaceful her day is. She tries to capture this scene though her fingers, and wished she brought her camera but this peace is easily disturbed when she saw her best friend Reese striding as she saw her sitting under a tree in their huge school ground.  “What happened?” she can’t help but ask it’s lunch break and she took the book beside her and started to review their lessons for the test later. “Do you even have to ask? I try to learn this… this monster called physics but I really can’t f*****g get it!” Reese stated in frustration she can’t help but laugh in her miserable state. “Whose fault is it anyway? Instead of studying all you want to do is to date guys.” “I’m wild, young and free!” to emphasize her point Reese even have the guts to spread her arms and hit the book she’s reading and it’s obviously intentional just to get her pissed. “I really think your brain got fried because of too much studying.” She knows Reese and getting back at her playfully is what she’s good at. “Are you really my friend?” she asked in a very dramatic voice. “I’m actually contemplating about it.” “Euey…” Reese said in a whiny voice. “You really love me right?” “Are you deaf?” But as usual Reese is too thick skinned and even clings in her arms. “Please let me copy to you later.” she looks at Reese and even with her puppy eyes she immediately reject her suggestion. She’s already too immune with that antics. “No, I’d rather dig my own grave than being caught by Mrs. Padua you know what’s her stand against cheaters right?”  you can be literally expelled if this instructor reported of a cheater.  Reese sighed in frustration. “We will all going to die in 2012!” “It’s already 2012. Idiot.” “Apocalypse is near.” “It’s actually a movie.” “Armageddon.” “Just the same.” “It’s freaking end of the world we’re all going to die!” Reese dramatically stated. “Then die alone, don’t drag us in your idiocracy.” When she notice that they are getting attention from the people he can’t help herself but rummage in her bag while Reese is doing her own monologue sounds gibberish in her ears.  As she saw what she was looking for she literally feed it on Reese mouth just to stop her for getting more scrutiny from their schoolmates. She heard her say something but because of the sandwich that was not she’s chewing she can’t make out what is Reese is saying. “You do know that I can choke to death because of what you did right?” She shrugs. “I couldn’t care less.” “Why did I have a best friend like you that’s so ruthless?” “Try asking yourself then, maybe you have some loose screw in the head.” She said and continued reading her book. “You are really a bad friend.” She look up in her book. “Really? Then give me back my sandwich.” She tried to snatch it back but Reese move faster than her and easily evade her hands. “I’m just joking , Euerina.” “You know Therese if you want have peace in this campus avoid saying my whole name got that?” she threatened. Reese scrunched her nose hearing her whole name before focusing her attention in her sandwich. “Ah my dear food, you’re much better in lighting up my whole life rather than talking to this girl beside me.” She bites the sandwich.  She just ignores Reese’s ‘Monologue’ because if she even reveal a slight hint of interest she won’t finish what she need to do.   Reese and her studies in Blue Rose University in London England ever since Junior High where the latter trasnfered all the way from Canada ever since the first time they met Reese has been like a glue that likes to stick with her even though she usually prefers alone. Maybe that the reason why somehow got accustomed in her presence and eventually she opened up to her. Reese is very an easy going girl, yet very protective of her, likes to eat and well obviously noisy a very opposite of her that is serious, a loner and quiet well sort of quiet. Yeah they are actually like different poles to each other, Reese have fair skin, a very beautiful strawberry blond hair up to her waist, Almond eyes, cupid bow lips and a beautiful blue eyes no wonder that guys are always trying to have a date on her. Unlike her she have a Olive skin, raven black hair, round eyes, full lips and caramel colored eyes. Reese often says that she looks like a countess in 16th century because of these feature that makes other people intimidated to her, not that she’s complaining though. But despite of her aloof façade there are still guys who are brave enough to approach but none of  them gets her attention besides she already have enough with one guy pestering her so she immediately reject them on the spot. She can’t help but sigh and herself to have a friend that seems to forgot to get admitted in a mental hospital. Then she notice someone that she really don’t want to see right know, in a second time she sigh dejectedly as the guy spot her and waves his hand exaggeratedly with the group of senior high students. And she bet on her life that they got weird looks on the people around them. The guy have a lanky build, freckles adorn his geeky face with a huge black rimmed glasses but just like Reese who is besides her, the guys doesn’t care about disdain gazes around him. She just ignores him and covered the book on her face, but as usual that didn’t faze him even a little bit. But then someone drag his collar and with that the group continued walking on the hallway. “See you after school Rina!” He said with a goofy smile on his face as he was literally dragged out of there gaze. “Are you really sure that is our Student Council President?” Reese can’t help but to ask as her eyes is following the said guy. “I’m also baffled just like you.” And with that the bell ring stating tha their lunch break is over. She closed her book before walking back to her classroom.   A DEAD body that how she can describe on Reese state right now,  after their test on Physics. She even tried to check if she’s breathing or really became dead due to her brain being fried. Wait is that even a  disease? “I curse this freaking subject. “Yup, Reese is still alive and kicking as she heard her in the opposite place of her chair. “Are you saying something Ms. Carmel?” Mrs. Padua asked as one of her eyebrows are raised. She tried to hide her smile as Reese straightened her back and sit properly when she heard that question. “Nothing Ma’am I actually said that I love Physics.” She can literally see her friend drowning in cold sweat but said nothing. “Really? Don’t worry I’ll make sure to check your paper first.” Mrs. Padua said and arranges the stack of papers with her hands. “Class Dismissed.” She announced as she walk out of the room. “I’m doomed!” Reese mourned as they all on her miserable state. They all know that besides loathing cheaters, Mrs. Padua can fail students in her class without even batting an eye. That how scary she is but despite that she also know how to reward students who excelled in her class and give them proper compensation in their efforts. “It seems that my students is enjoying Mrs. Padua’s class isn’t?” they all looked in front where they saw Sir Emerson there literature teacher who is leisurely sitting on the desk. They all greeted him and he just gave them a simple smile that most of the girls swooned and she just rolled her eyes irritably. Even though it’s really weird that he got inside the classroom without anyone notice she just ignore it because in the first place she doesn’t care. Crossed his hands on his chest, “Okay now, settle down everyone.” Sir Emerson said as he roamed his eyes on everyone. Sir Emerson is very popular among there school especially with girls, he’s also so approachable, charming and very handsome and with the age of twenty five he’s also a bachelor s many students are confessing to him every day. With his violet eyes and dark gold locks no one will even know that he’s a teacher because he looks like more of a model that you see in Esquire Magazine. But despite that for some reason he is the only man that Reese seems to loathe and he doesn’t really know why. This subject is actually the only time where Reese is silent or do anything rather than listen which somehow always stupefied her. “Okay.” Sir Emerson clapped his hands to gain their attention. “Who would like to give a background about the famous masterpiece of William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet?” One of her classmates raise his hand but she don’t know his name well, except for Reese she really don’t know the names of everyone. . "Known as the greatest tragic love story at all time and has been publish on different languages around the world."  “Great but before we go in this topic I want to tell a story, who would like to hear it?” every girl raise their hands excluded her and Reese.   This is the icebreaker on his every lesson and his story is relevant and really entertaining so no one really disagree about it. “This story is different on Romeo and Juliet because both of the characters are vampires.” “Sir!” someone raise his hand. “Is there no other variation? We’re already enough with sparkly shimmering vampire stories.” He protested and earned him a bunch of crumpled paper that was thrown at him. Sir Emerson chuckled. “Come on guys; just let me finish the story.” He smiled. "It’s about a story of a vampire girl with a royal blood that loved a Vampire nomad. No one knows where he belongs or where he comes from." For some reason a scene suddenly flash before her eyes. It was a woman who is leaning in the arms of man inside a huge tower. “That’s the reason why the girl’s father strongly disagrees about this union.” "I don't want to leave you. They'll separate me with you." "Don't worry I can't let that happen, Rina." “Secretly the two continued their relationship until it was discovered by his father’s servant. That’s when they decided to elope to fight for the love that they have.” "Just believe in me, everything's going to be fine." "I believe in you no matter what, Seth." “For months there happiness can’t be taken by anyone, until they were found by the girl’s father until they have nowhere else to go.”  "This is the end, Rina." "No! I can't let that happen!” “In the end the man chooses to sacrifice his life to protect the one he loves. He surrendered his woman even though he knows that he will be killed in the end. He doesn’t want any harm to befall on his other half.” "Don't worry, Rina I know someday we will be together.” “An arrow suddenly emerges from somewhere aiming on the man’s heart, the man saw it but she didn’t do anything to avoid the danger. The man resigned in his faith but in the end the woman move and receives the arrow that is meant for him.”  “No, no no, please no Rina.” Painful tears falls down on the man’s face as the woman she loved where now dying in his arms. “S-seth.” The man blindly reaches her hands that the man tightly grips it. “We...” she coughed blood. “We will always be together, F-for all eternity.” Sa her hand loosened before the mans eyes, she turned to ashes and vanished in the thin air forever.” Then another arrow was unleashed and was hit on the man’s chest and just like his beloved the man vanish until everything is swallowed by the dark. Those scenes disappeared as Euey blinked her eyes and somehow a painful feeling erupted from her chest. What’s happening? She calmed herself and doesn’t even notice a meaningful glance from Sir Emerson. “Just like Romeo and Juliet who died for love wherein they give their sacrifices and consequences on the decisions that they made. But if two people are meant to be love will always find a way. That beyond this book there is a life somewhere that can be compared to this story yet, they attained their own happily ever after.” Sir Emerson looks around him and for some reason her gaze lingered to her for a second before changing the topic on their lesson.  “Rina and Seth.” She whispered in the air those names somehow gave her another weird set of emotion but in the end all she can do is ignore it because she knows these questions cannot be answered by no one. She decided just to focus her attention on the lecture before anything else.  HARRIETH ALOIS 

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