Chapter 4

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The Fenians were the biggest terrorist organisation to target Great Britain in the nineteenth century. Based in the USA and Ireland they mounted bombing campaigns in Britain in the 1880s, with attacks in Glasgow, Liverpool, and London. One method was the use of what were termed “infernal devices” which used dynamite and a timer. What is less known is the Fenian attempts to aid Colonel Arabi in his struggle with Great Britain in 1882. Various newspapers mentioned that Fenian societies had attempted to send financial aid to Arabi, and at least one reported the arrival of Irishmen, possibly Fenians in Egypt. See below: Fenian Aid to Arabi Pasha The Times Philadelphia correspondent telegraphs: The TimesThe Parnell branch of the Irish Land League the most influential land league in Philadelphia, tiring of the usual methods of helping Ireland, has adopted a resolution of sympathy with Arabi Bey in his efforts to drive England from Egypt. It also resolved to send Arabi about 250 dollars to aid his army, this being the proceeds of the recent land league picnic. The Henry Gratton League took similar steps and other leagues will hold meetings for the same purpose, but the policy of it already causes earnest discussion among the Irish. Arabi may thus get probably 1000dollars if he provides a safe channel of remittance. Evening Gazette (Aberdeen) 10 Aug 1882 Evening GazetteSome Irishmen have arrived here. (Cairo) This I know to be a positive fact. I presume they are Fenian emissaries, sent to give information to Arabi Pasha about what they may suppose to be our vulnerable points. Morning Post telegram 30 June 1882. Morning Post
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