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Prime Minister Zaydaan Ziagil, the good, the bad and the bitter. Prime Minister Zaydaan Ziagil of Pakistan has acclaimed praises from all over the world. From his several charming demeanours at almost all the world events to his viral photos with his three year old daughter. If those photos don't warm your heart, there's seriously something wrong with you. While the forty something old Prime Minister has always been honest and upfront, the recent alligations on him have proved that he's not as honorable as some might claim him to be.  Ofcourse, the alligations have not been proved true so far but the amount of women standing against him right now is chilling. When the Prime Minister's wife was requested to issue a statement in the light of current events, she chose to remain silent. Sometimes, silence is the biggest answer but is it really? For the entire story, make sure to check out our latest article.  Aaina x Zaydaan.  "As a Prime Minister, it is my job to inform my people of what really is happening. I have been accused of moral misconduct, I have been accused of s****l harassment, of blackmail and torture. I categorically deny all these accusations, they spew nothing but lies. Each news is fake and has no truth to it. I want to make it clear that I have been raised as a compassionate human being, I have grown up to be a son, a husband and a father. I would never do something that would not only take away my honor and dignity, but my family's and my country's too. " The Prime Minister firmly said, making sure that his message was recorded in English, just so it could reach the eyes and ears of the entire world. He looked at his wife from the corner of his eyes, seeing her tired expression and the way she was leaning against the wall. They had just arrived back from Saudi Arabia, Zaydaan being Zaydaan had asked his team to prepare, he wanted to talk to his public, inform them of what they were accusing him of, take them into confidence. "I will seek justice through the courts, just as the ones lying throught their teeth have said so. Time will prove to you all that I, as I always try to be, am right. Those who wish to harm me, my dignity, my honour, they will never be at peace. Until everything is proven through the courts, I want you all, my Pakistanis to have faith in me. Believe in me as you have for the past decade. I will not let you down. " He promised, standing up from his seat as the message got recorded for airing, he let out a sigh, shaking off the pain in his back and walking ahead towards his wife. "That was a good step." Aaina murmured with a smile. Even though alot of his advisors had advised him to not say anything, to not bring more attention to the matter, Zaydaan had simply shrugged them off. He wanted to be honest from the start, he knew that telling people anything from the start resulted in gaining their trust. And his wife had been by his side every step of the way, just like he wanted her to be. He never said it out loud much but her support gave him more confidence. "I know." He replied with a smug smile, feeling her head on his shoulder. He felt her warm puff of breath on his shirt, seeing how she yawned, hiding her face. "I'm so tired." She said, another yawn escaping her mouth. "I told you to stay at home." Told? More like, he had ordered her to go home twice but she had insisted upon staying for a while. In all honesty, she was just nervous about his video message and wanted to see everything go well first. Ofcourse, she missed Zayla. She hadn't seen her in two days as the little one had stayed behind with her uncle Ahad and Aunty Noora. All she wanted to do was go home with Zaydaan, sleep and spend time with her daughter. But life wasn't easy, there was alot going on with him and in that way, there was alot going on with her. She leaned away from Zaydaan, sensing a few people around them as she stood straight. They walked towards his office, the Prime Minister sitting on the couch with Aaina spreading her legs on the adjacent sofa. "Now that we're back, I have alot of things that need immediate attention." He directed his words at her, telling her that he wouldn't have much time in the next few days. As if he had alot if time anyway. "Like?" "Like the dam inaurgaration, meeting with army chief, national protocol meeting, a cabinet meeting, visit to Panahgah and CFD, the lawyers have to prepare me for the first hearing, it's in a week and your mother-" She gulped upon hearing the mention of her mother, her complete focus on the subject now. "My mother?" He nodded. He wanted to keep this away from her but Aaina deserved to know the truth, besides.. She was the person who could find out what was really going on with her mother when the time was right. "Yes. Your mother. My sources say that she has met Awan chaudhry twice now." She frowned, shock evident on her face. "Are you sure?" She whispered, hoping that his answer would change. Awan had tried to kill the Prime Minister, why was her mother even in touch with him? "Do I say anything without being sure?" Zaydaan shot back, she leaned against the sofa with a sigh. "Okay. I don't even know what she's doing anymore." She almost felt disappointed in her mother, more disappointed than she had felt at the time of her marriage and her mother's lack of support. "Has she said anything to you? Or done something that might have made you doubt her?" Her husband enquired and she knew that she had to tell him about the incident in their bedroom. She didn't want to, knowing Zaydaan's doubtful nature but she knew that there was no other way. "I found her snooping in our bedroom." She informed him. He raised his eye at her, not believing that the woman had the audacity to enter their bedroom. His bedroom. "What?" He questioned in disbelief. "I didn't mention it because it didn't feel like a big deal and I told her not to do it again." She instantly answered, further explaining to him why she didn't trust her own mother right now. "She's grieving her husband, Zaydaan. My father. She thinks you might be behind it all, she's going to do crazy things for a while." She didn't know whether she was defending her mother or telling him not to take her lightly. "You should have told me sooner." Zaydaan said instead, she didn't argue over it. "I know," "Why is she staying in my house, under my protection.. If she thinks so 'highly' of me?" How many times had Saira insisted that she wanted to leave and her mother had simply dismissed her pleads, telling her that she needed to stay here? "Saira wants to go back, mother wants to stay. She said she can leave if she's a burden but I told her to stay here." "Besides, you were the one who wanted me to help her through it all." She added, reminding him. Zaydaan barely shrugged, he had told her to take care of her sister, not her mother. Her mother could really go to hell for all he cared. "I don't like people that try to do things sneakily, it means they have things under their sleeves." The Prime Minister verbalized, looking at his wife who was biting her lip, not understanding what to say or what to do. "Should I talk to her?" She asked with hesitance. "What do you think?" He wanted to know her opinion, how she felt about it all and if she was comfortable enough to confront her mother at all. "I'm conflicted." Aaina admitted, Zaydaan simply her time. "No. Don't talk to her until I tell you to do so." He told her, seeing several emotions being expressed so heavily on Aaina's face. Her mother, after all these years still affected her the same. She took a deep breath, gulping just a little before speaking up. "I don't want her to do something terrible. She's my mother, even after all these years, the way she has treated me, she's still the woman who gave birth to me, the one who packed me lunch and gave me love." He heard a sniff, his hand reached out to touch hers. He rubbed his thumb over her wrist, trying to comfort her. "Things only changed after I got married to you." She said next, her husband frowned. "You say it like I'm the reason." He stated. Aaina shook her head. "No. Not at all. She couldn't protect me when I needed her the most, she was too busy being an obedient wife." She said with a bitter chuckle. She looked at Zaydaan, remembering the past. "You know, when we got married and I told her that I'm not happy and I'm scared, she told me that once he sees how kind you are, he's going to love you just as much as I do." "Those were the comforting words of my mother. Imagine." Aaina shared everything with Zaydaan but it took her alot of courage to talk about her family, she usually felt embarrassed and insecure, unloved. So she avoided talking about it, she avoided even thinking about it. It all changed when her mother came back to live with her, all those memories started to haunt her again. "And your sister? What about her?" "She's still the same, a little crazy but so lovely." Aaina replied, fearing that her sister would change with time. "What if mama starts manipulating her against me?" She put forth her thoughts, Zaydaan didn't understand where her insecurities were coming from, her sister knew the truth behind their father, their mother, why would she choose to support her mother over Aaina then? "She couldn't do it in all these years, she won't do it now. Besides, Saira is a student at Oxford. She's clearly not dumb." He explained. Aaina didn't want to burden him with her worries, he already had enough going on. "Yeah, maybe I'm worrying for nothing." She mumbled. The Prime Minister stood up, knowing that it was about time Aaina left for home. There was no point of her staying here when all he had going was work and meetings. "Go home. Zayla must be missing you." She nodded, standing up herself. "When will you be back?" "Quite late." She let out a sigh at his response. "And here I thought you'd be home early, we'll have a quite evening together. Just you and me." Aaina whispered, her voice came out a little breathless. It wasn't on purpose though. She didn't have any intentions of that sort, especially today but somehow, words came out of her mouth and her husband couldn't help but smirk at her. "You trying to seduce me, wife?" He teased, finding her slight blush absolutely adorable. It had been ten years and she still blushed at times, she always tried to hide it but it hardly ever worked. "Is it working?" She played along, smiling up at him. "I'll give my answer when I get home." He replied, pulling at her hand as he kissed the tip of her fingers, bidding her goodbye. "Take care." She said back, then frowned at him. "And pick my calls!" She exclaimed next. He husband didn't respond much to that, only looking at her with a bored expression. "Zaydaan!" She called his name out again, making him nod at her. Not even seriously. Once he got busy with his work, his phone could go to hell. He didn't care at all. "Okay, see you." He bid her off yet again, his hand on the small of her back as he opened the door and she walked out. She turned around once more. "Pick my calls, I'm serious. It doesn't take a minute." She reminded, he nodded seriously this time. "I will. Go now." His first lady walked out of his office, tired but at peace. Just for today. --- He was engulfed with his work, overlooking the new policy that had to be approved by the Parliament in a few days. Even though he was working, his mind was just not with him today. All he wanted to do was go home to his family and spend time with them, feel contented in their presence and forget all about the alligations on him. But he couldn't do that. He had duties and responsibilities, it was very hard to ignore them. He felt a knock on the door and then the room opened, revealing Qaiser..the office boy. "Yes, Qaisar?" Zaydaan looked up at him, waiting for him to respond. "Sir, your father is here to see you." He informed the Prime Minister. His father wasn't one to visit his office, uninformed. Infact, he would hardly ever visit him. "Send him in." He still said, waiting for his father to enter the office room. He stood up upon his father's arrival. "Good morning, Father. Didn't expect to see you here." He greeted, his father greeted him back..sitting on the chair adjacent to his. Years before, Idrees Ziagil would sit on the same seat and foreign minister Zaydaan would come to visit him. His father recalled a fond memory of that time, when he had told him that Aaina was the girl for him. Zaydaan had understood, face stony, eyes cold but his father knew the turmoil that was going on inside him at that time. He had hated Aaina since that very day and now, he couldn't live without her for even a damn day. Zaydaan knew that his father was here to discuss something important so he focused all his attention on him. "I wanted to say Umrah Mubarak." Idrees Ziagil started off, Zaydaan shook his head. "Not my first Umrah, baba. Tell Me." He said back, asking his father to get straight to the point. "I called Ashfaq yesterday. He seemed to be in pain, alot of pain." Zaydaan couldn't care less about General Ashfaq, the man was quite old now. He hadn't seen him in what seemed like ages and Minal was happy in her own life. There was literally no connection at all. Still, Zaydaan was curious about what his father had to say. "And?" "Minal got divorced yesterday, Zaydaan." The look of disbelief on his face was enough to confirm that the news shocked him. "What?" "Yes." His father affirmed. Zaydaan leaned back, eyes staring at his father. "Reason?" He asked. "You." 
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