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Twitter. They call me the first lady and I love the title. A mother, a wife and a humanitarian. Love and positivity only --- @AainaZaydaan : Life is unpredictable and painful at times. What truly matters is that you stay strong and surround yourself with the best people. Once again, thank you for remembering me in your prayers. I could not be more grateful ❤️          Aaina x Zaydaan  The one thing that she could not do, the one thing that she could hardly ever do, that she hadn't learned in all these years, it was to sleep without him. Even when Zaydaan would leave the country for some visit and she wouldn't accompany him, she would spend the whole night, half awake and half asleep. She would jolt awake after every hour or so, knowing that proper sleep wouldn't come so easily. It was just something that she had got used to, she had developed a habit of sleeping by her husband's side and whenever he was not there, the first lady could not sleep content. She looked at the clock as it struck three fifteen at night, a yawn escaped her mouth and at the same time, the door opened, revealing a very tired Prime Minister. Zaydaan entered the room, eyes slightly red and a frown etched on his face. Regardless, Aaina let out a reading smile, greeting him in a non chalant way. "Mr Prime Minister, I get that you have duties but coming home at four a.m is so not the way." She teased, feet now touching the ground and eyes staring at her husband who was not in the least not surprised upon finding her awake. "I thought you must have got used to it by now." Zaydaan replied in the same casual tone, Aaina stood up from the bed, walking towards him. "Doesn't mean I can't complain." She shot back, a chuckle slipped his mouth and she grinned too. As she reached near him, hand touching his bicep, her husband let out a tired sigh. "Chai banwa do, Aaina. Sarr Dard kar raha hai." (Can you get some tea made for me? My head hurts.) Aaina knew how much he needed tea after a long day so she already had some made and stored in a thermos, just so it would remain warm. "I got it made an hour ago, I knew you'd need it." She told him, he almost groaned. He hated when his tea wasn't freshly made. But who was he to complain? His wife wasn't supposed to serve him tea, her being courteous enough to still take care of him like that was more than heartwarming. "it's not fresh." He still complained. Aaina raised her eye at him. "You're not fresh either but I'm not complaining." She shot back at him. Zaydaan couldn't help but feel at peace, contented that atleast he had a wonderful wife. Even when things were looking so wrong, even when everything felt like it was heading in a direction that was never going to favour him, atleast he had her. He tried to frown at her comment of him being not fresh enough but couldn't help himself as a smile graced his mouth. "Shut it." He mumbled still smiling. His wife poured his tea into a mug, handing it over to him. "Here." Zaydaan drank his tea in silence, the only sound in the room was Zayla's soft snores and the ticking of the wall clock. Aaina stared at her husband, observing his deep scowl, the way his eyes were darker than usual and the way he avoided her eyes. Usually, after a really tiring day, Zaydaan would be all over her, trying to get his energy level up..she knew that he was hiding something. He had promised her that he'd tell her once he would get home but he looked so tired right now that Aaina didn't want to stir up the conversation herself. She stared at him some more. What could have happened? Did someone in the party betray him? But that wouldn't make much difference to him, he would tell her. Did his father create a scene again? Was Uncle Ziagil planning some new game? Did Ahad do something stupid? No, that couldn't happen. Ahad was way too mature now. Zaydaan felt uncomfortable under the creepy stare of his own wife. It wasn't the 'I love you' stare that he was so used to, it was the 'I'm trying to find what the hell is going on' stare. "Aaina..," He took her name very softly, like he was singing a sweet song. His wife looked at him properly. "Hmmm.." She hummed. "This is me noticing you staring at me like a maniac." He stated. Aaina nodded. Right. He was always so blunt with his words that his wife had learned a thing or two from him. She questioned him directly. "What had you so worried?" She asked, Zaydaan took a sip of his tea and shook his head. "It's nothing," He shrugged her off, standing up as he put his tea back on the table and walked towards his closet, he took off his suit, picking an off white shalwar kameez to sleep in, at night. Aaina followed him inside the dressing room, her arms crossed against her chest as she leaned against the wall. She let out a sigh. "Zaydaan, you have to tell me these things." She said softly, he looked at her as well, eyes tender and tired but so loving towards his wife. Sometimes, it was so hard to believe it all for her. This man had caused her the utmost pain and here he was, looking at her like she was the most precious person to him, seeing her like she was the only one to be seen, holding her every night, standing by her side with her hand in his. Zaydaan knew that he had to share it all with her, Aaina would find it out soon anyway but at the same time, he just didn't want to tell her. "I know I do. I just don't want to, Aaina." Upon hearing his explanation, she could not help but frown. What even? "You know I'm really done with this act of yours where you don't tell me s**t because you think I can not handle it." She said, voice coming out angrier than she had thought. Zaydaan clenched his jaw, his own eyes fixed in a glare. "Language, Aaina." He warned. She groaned, pulling at his hand. "I'm not a baby, Zaydaan. Tell me." She insisted, yet again. Zaydaan contemplated. He wanted to tell her but she'd worry for something that she had no control over, what was the point then? At the same time, the amount of time Aaina spent on social media, there was no way in hell that she would not get to know. Heck, some journalist would call her up tomorrow morning and rant all about it. "Okay. Don't react. Theek hai?" He put his hands on her shoulder. He wasn't worried that she would doubt him, he was just feeling weird even talking about it. All his life he had never been accused of such a thing, and now, with a daughter and a wife, at an age that was deemed respectful, he was being accused of this bullshit. "A woman just accused me of s****l harassment on social media and apparently she's filing a case against me." Aaina pushed his hands away, putting both of her hands on her mouth as she gasped. "You're joking." She mumbled, eyes in utter shock. Zaydaan felt angry at her statement. Or at the entire situation if he was being honest. "You f*****g think I'd joke about something like that?" "Zaydaan!" She exclaimed, not even knowing what to say at all. "Do you know that woman?" She rambled out all the questions she had in her mind. "No." He denied. "Who is she?" She still asked. "I don't know." "Zaydaan." She took his name again, as if it would solve all his problems. "Aaina." He repeated her name in the same tone. "Oh My God. Zaydaan, this is huge. This isn't something light." She was freaking out. At four am, his wife was almost screaming. He rolled his eyes. "I know that. This is why I was not telling you, you freak out for nothing." He said, voice firm but normal. Unlike her, he didn't want Zayla to wake up due to the loud noises. Aaina, on the other hand, wasn't thinking about her daughter right now. She was thinking about her husband being accused of the most heinous act. "Nothing? This is not nothing. This is so absurd." The worry on her face, he hated it. "What are we going to do?" She questioned next. Her husband clicked his tongue, taking off his shirt. "You're not going to do anything, neither am I. My lawyers will handle her on their own. This isn't the first time someone has tried to defame me." He said as he wore the off white kameez. "But this is too much," He chuckled dryly. "I'm a politician, a Prime Minister. Fake slander comes with that role." It was true. Most of the times, the most respected people got accused of the worst things. Aaina didn't understand why any woman would go so low. "This is worrying me." She whispered. Her husband walked upto her, his hand pulling at her waist as he held her there, knowing that she needed his comfort. "Don't worry. Nothing is going to happen," "I don't understand why someone would do this, it's like why would you accuse someone of something so crazy?" Zaydaan understood it way too well. Attention, fame, money, had a lust. Who knew this better than him? "People want attention. It's a shame that such attention seeking acts actually make things worse for the women who have actually suffered such a thing." Zaydaan Ziagil hated men who raped women, infact, he had proposed public hanging and humiliation for the rapists but the so called human rights activists all around the world had called it inhumane, rejecting his proposal. Zaydaan wanted to lash out but had to remain quiet. International Relations were a hypocritical b***h. "I can't believe this." "Don't worry, your husband isn't going to be called a harasser anytime soon." He teased. Aaina, who was way too worried, snapped at him. "Shut it, Zaydaan." She mumbled. His eyes narrowed at her. "Is that how a woman is supposed to talk to her husband?" He questioned, voice coming out deeper to intimidate her. She gulped. He still had that affect on her. She lifted her head, eyes staring at his brown ones. "I'm not scared of you." She murmured. His eyes danced with playfulness. "Oh yes, what was that again? 'I'm not scared of you, Zaydaan Ziagil, I'm not scared of your power-" He repeated her words, the words that she had said with such an impact that it had hit him straight in the heart. Now, after all these years, he felt proud that she had said it out loud. "Zaydaan." Knowing that she was genuinely worried, he stopped teasing her. "Fine.. No more, come on. Let's sleep." They laid on the bed, her hand across his chest and his arm under her head. "Everything's gonna be okay, right?" Aaina questioned. She knew that nothing about these accusations was little and the more this news got spread, the more problems it would create. She also knew that Zaydaan was worried himself but he would never admit it to her. "Ofcourse." He mumbled quietly. She let out a sigh, looking at her daughter who was still sleeping peacefully. "I like my world like this. You, me and Zayla. It's little and it's my favourite." She admitted. "Our world isn't little, Aaina. That is what's incredible about it. Everything will be okay, though. Put your mind to rest." He reassured. "Okay." She replied. "I love you." She added again. "Hmmm.," Zaydaan hummed, knowing that this would annoy her. "Zaydaan!" She smacked his stomach lightly. "What?" He questioned, pretending to be annoyed. "Arey!" She shot him a look, he put his lips on her forehead. "I love you. Now let your husband sleep, he's tired." Go to sleep while I lie awake worried out of my mind. No wonder you weren't telling me. She still smiled, as she always did..whenever he told her that he loved her. "Zaydaan.." She took his name again, dragging the aan. "Now what?" This time, the Prime Minister was genuinely annoyed. "What about our Umrah plan? Aren't we supposed to go on Friday?" She questioned. He frowned. How was that even a question? Ofcourse, they were going. Everything was planned already. "Supposed to? We are going on Friday." He confirmed. She bit her lip, knowing that this would anger him. "But my mother and Saira.." She trailed off. "What about them?" "I can't leave them here, all alone." "They're not alone, they're with several servants. And Ahad, Noora, my parents." "Ahad and Noora are way too busy for them. Your father does not like my family and mama is busy herself. I have to stay here and take care of them." She insisted. Zaydaan pulled his hand away from under her head. "And what do I tell the crown Prince? The man has a dinner planned with us, he delayed his visit to the States just because I mentioned my Umrah Plan." He didn't understand how she could so casually say that she wouldn't go. She hadn't done anything of this sort since a long time. Besides, this wasn't a diplomatic visit, it was a religious one. Aaina was quite religious herself, how could she get ready to delay it all? Zaydaan stared at her. "Aaina. We are going, alright? No questions about it." He firmly said, voice laced with annoyance.  "Okay." She agreed, then turned her head away, putting her arms around Zayla and going to sleep. The Prime Minister shook his head at his first Lady's dramatics. "Aaina." He took her name. She didn't respond. "Acting immature is not going to solve anything." He said next. She turned to look at him. "I am not acting immature." She replied. "Then come back here." He pulled her by the waist before she could even protest. His finger trailed across her cheek as he, so very tiredly dragged it all the way up from her forehead to her lips to the swell of her breasts. "We will go on Friday and come back home on Sunday, then you can spend as much time with your sister as you want." He promised. "And my father? How long is it going to take to find who killed him?" She asked next. He knew that he had to find her father's killer. She needed closure and he had to give it to her. "I have a report coming tomorrow, if there's anything worth telling..I'll tell you." She nodded yet again, putting her head on his chest. For a while, there was just silence. She thought..and thought..and thought some more. Her father had died, her mother believed that her husband was her father's murderer, her husband was being accused of s****l harassment. Why was everything falling apart all of a sudden? "I had a feeling, you know." She quietly said. "What feeling?" Her husband enquired. "A few days ago, I had this feeling that our lives were way too happy." She told him. "And?" He didn't understand where she was going with this. Aaina was usually so positive, always filled with hope, always optimistic. Hearing such negativity from her, it was quite different for him. He looked at his wife, awaiting her response. "And now I have a feeling that there's a storm coming." Oh. --
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