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Zack's POV: I wanted Ashiah. All of her. Just for me. I knew I had to take this slow and steady. I would be patient. For her I would do anything. I'd have to stack the chips in my favor. Those two assholes had their whole lives with her. How can I compete with that? That question haunted me. I thought long and hard to configure the perfect plan. I needed to earn her trust first and then her friendship. As much as I hated it I had to do the same with Lincoln and Von. I arrived at school early. I headed to the cafeteria with a bribe on my mind. I quickly found the lunch lady and made my way over to her. Bribing her was easier than I thought. Three hundred dollars was a lot of money for a lunch lady. She even seemed to enjoy the idea of putting laxatives into two teenagers lunches. Especia

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