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Lincoln's POV: "Oh man, Mr. Kingston is going to kill us! What are we going to do?" I asked Von frantically as we were both freaking out. "I think we should be honest. If we tell him the truth about our feelings for Ash maybe he won't be as mad." Von suggested as he sat on my couch and I followed sitting next to him. "What exactly is the truth? That we both want to be with her. How do we explain that?" I asked him feeling puzzled by our situation and how to handle it. "It's simple we love her and we always have! He will just have to understand and DEAL with it! There isn't anything that anyone can do that will keep us away from her. We may have to prove ourselves and it might take time but, no matter what she is OURS!" Von roared out with a tightly clenched jaw while he slammed the side of fist to the wall. "I know, you're right! I love her too much to let her go. This situation is just such a mess! How can we both be with her? How are we going to explain this at school? I just want her to MYSELF!" I yelled at him as I covered my hands over my eyes, rubbing them to collect myself. "You don't think I want her to just be MINE! Of course I do but, that isn't an option. We both love her and she loves both of us! We will make this work for HER. Don't be f*****g selfish bro. As far as other people go, I don't give a f**k what they think! I love her with an obsessive force that I can't control and I will do anything to make her happy and keep her that way.'' Von told me aggressively making me feel like he thought I didn't feel the same, which just pissed me off more. "I just don't like to share! I would do anything to make her happy as well and I know I couldn't ask her to choose. It would f*****g break me if she choose you. People at school are going to know she is with us tomorrow. What if she can't handle what they will say? People are ASSHOLES especially in high school! Maybe we should just keep it a secret." I proposed shaking my head with dread from the thoughts of seeing our girl get hurt by cruel assholes. "We will handle it! If anyone says anything to her that hurts her they will pay. I'm sure as f**k NOT GOING TO KEEP MY FEELINGS FOR HER A SECRET! You can do whatever you want but, I'm going to make it clear to every other f*****g guy that she is with ME!" Von confessed to me angrily just escalating my frustration. We never fought and any time we ever had it was about our girl. This time was different however, those were more like arguments and they were resolved in minutes. The way this fight was going was worrying me that our friendship was crossing dangerous territory. "Well, I'm sure as HELL not going to sit around and watch you touch her and kiss her at school! f**k IT, I DON'T CARE IF EVERYONE KNOWS! She completely consumes me and I can't hold myself back from her." I told him with clarity filling my mind. We were a team and we could get through anything as long as we have each other. "I know bro trust me, I know! All I can think about is how much everything she does drives me crazy. Her voice, her laugh, her smell, her body...oh f**k that f*****g SEXY BODY! I can't wait to touch her again, to taste her again. I can't stop thinking of all the things I want to do to her." Von declared in a gravelly tone as he started sucking his lower lip in as he dazed off in a day dream. "Okay snap out of it Casanova! Let's go over there and talk things out with Mr. Kingston. I want your best manners and full charm on. None of that MACHO BULLSHIT TODAY! We will convince him we are good for her. So don't you DARE say anything like he can't stop us from being with her." I ordered him in my deepest voice so he knew I meant business as I poked my finger to his chest hard. He threw a hand up surrendering while nodding his head in agreement. Avery's POV: "This is a day I have been dreading. You've just grown up so fast, too fast! I think it's finally time that we had the s*x talk. Well, after yesterday I realize this is actually way overdue." I confessed feeling like I failed my daughter as I sat on the end of her bed. Ashiah's eyes were red and puffy from being up all night crying. Right now she looked absolutely miserable and mortified. It was heartbreaking to see her this way. "Mom, we don't need to talk about this. I had s*x ed and well...there's the internet." She informed me raising her legs to her chest and wrapping her arms around them. "There are still things we need to talk about and not everything you read or hear is accurate. I will make this as short and painless as possible. For both of our sakes. First things, first I made an appointment for you to get on birth control after school tomorrow. I can't stop you from having s*x but, I can make sure you're protected. We will get some condoms at planned parenthood so you don't catch an STD." I notified her as I took a huge gulp from the awkwardness of this conversation. Why couldn't she just stay a baby forever? "I'm not going to get an STD! They would never cheat on me!" She shouted defensively and I internally rolled my eyes at her adolescent hormones poking out. "I still want you to use them. You can't be too careful and birth control isn't always enough. You are too young to take a one percent chance. You can always use your allowance to buy them. Just make sure you always have some." I demanded clear to make my point that I will not become a grandmother yet. I observed her sternly and she nodded her head to me after wiping her eyes clear. "I'll be safe Mom...I promise!" She said giving me her word while reassuring me that she will be safe. "Now the last bit and this is where it really gets awkward. We need to talk about you having two boyfriends. I don't think you fully understand how society will see that. People love to judge others especially for being different. Girls will get jealous of you and they will say and do awful things. Are you sure you can handle that?" My chest felt tight as I felt for her predicament. More tears began to stream down her face. "It's not fair, Mom! I love them BOTH! I know people are going to torment me for it. They already have and we weren't even together then. I know these four years are going to be hell but, they're worth it. They make me so happy! They make me feel safe. I think I can get through this with them by my side. I don't need anyone else in my life besides my parents and your support, obviously." She admitted through whimpered breaths. "You will always have our support honey. We love you more than anything!" I told her comfortingly as I pulled her tightly in a hug and she rested her head on my shoulder like she used to do when she was little. Declan's POV: "SIT DOWN!" I ordered gesturing towards the boys as they entered the kitchen. I took a big swig of water and cleared my throat. Don't kill them...don't do it. Your family needs you to be here and not in prison. They sat down quickly and eyed me nervously. Good! They should be nervous. They might die today! "I'm going to get straight to the point! I'm not happy about this situation. This is my little girl, my pride and joy that we are talking about. I would do anything for her. Even if that means seeing you two little PRICKS with her. I will support my daughters decisions. Just know that if you ever do anything to her hurt her I will END YOU BOTH!" I threateningly alerted them on how this was going to go down while pointing at them a little too aggressively. "We promise, Sir we would never do anything to hurt her. We love her and just want to make her happy." Lincoln told me sincerely. Von's POV: "It's true, Sir! We love her and we will do anything to protect her. We would do anything for her." I added looking him right in his eyes so he would know I meant it.  I had to bite my lip to not laugh at that little pricks comment he made. Our pricks are far from little and unfortunately he knows that now that he's seen them. "Both of you will be ready for school thirty minutes early tomorrow. I'm taking you all to school and I'm going to make sure you are all in the same classes. You will be around to protect my princess at school." He commanded strictly with the final say. "Yes, Sir!" We said in unison like we were soldiers responding to our drill sergeant. 
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