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Michael watched the young woman who entered the office with attention. He had liked the face he found when he opened the door of the office and now he wanted to see her again, in more detail, so he was surprised when he saw her with her hand covering her mouth. "Can you take your hand away from your mouth?" said Michael, more like an order than a question. Stephanie managed to swallow the vomit before sitting down and could fulfill Michael's wish, but from then on she realized that there was no longer any trace of the kind man who had smiled at her when he left. "Magda wants to hire you, but I'm not convinced yet to do it," Michael said when he saw that Stephanie was already seated. "Do you have something that could make me change my mind?" Stephanie's eyes were locked on Michael's gaze, which watched her as if she were a merchandise he was considering buying and, despite having managed to control the nausea, the feeling that she would vomit at any moment had not disappeared completely. "I can talk to you about any law or regime you want to ask me about," Stephanie said slowly, fearing that if she spoke too quickly, the nausea would return. "Ah, so you're one of those smarty-pants from the university, huh?" said Michael. "But tell me, do you only have a good memory?" For a moment, Stephanie had the feeling that she had already seen this conceited man who was now in front of her before, but she quickly dismissed it. She was sure that, if that had been the case, she would have remembered it easily because she would have hated him from the first moment. "I have a good memory, yes," said Stephanie, "but I'm also good at analyzing situations and people." She knew her answer was defiant, but it was what men like Michael provoked in her, who looked down on their peers and expected no one to step where they had already stepped. "Oh, really?" said Michael as he leaned forward in his seat and leaned on the table that separated him from Stephanie. "Tell me, then, what can you analyze about me." «That you are a vain and miserable person for putting me in this situation, me, who needs this job and just found out that I'm pregnant without knowing who the father of the baby that is now growing in my womb and making me feel this pain, these nausea with which I will splash your shirt of several hundred dollars, conceited.», thought Stephanie. “I see an inspiring leader, something hard, but one that motivates their subordinates to be better and give their best.” Stephanie replied with one of the typical ready-made phrases she had learned in interview preparation courses and she was sure would work with the swollen ego of a man like Michael. "Well, yes, you have that gift," said Michael, satisfied and slapping the table, which startled Magda and her assistant. "I thought you were just showing off like a clever one." Stephanie smiled with some premeditated shyness, she even managed to blush at will, which seemed to enchant Michael even more. "Yes, Magda, you are right, this is the junior lawyer I need for my office." «WHAT?!,» Stephanie thought. «For his office?! The devil takes me, I don't want this one as my boss!». "Congratulations, Stephanie, you have achieved what very few manage and that is to convince Mr. Hanks's son," said Magda. «The son... oh, no, is it serious?» "Thank you very much, but, if you allow me, it's that..." Stephanie managed to say as she stood up and felt that, this time, the vomit would come with the force of a gust of wind and it was even possible that it would come out of her nose if she tried to avoid it. "Excuse me." Without waiting for any of those present to answer, Stephanie ran out of the room. She had already secured, at least verbally, the job of her dreams and, if it was true that she had pleased the one who (unfortunately) would be her boss, now she could take a break and run to the bathroom. "Funny and very peculiar girl you got there, Magda," said Michael as he watched Stephanie's hurried legs disappear through the door. "I like her." Magda gave an indication to her assistant, who left the office at that moment. Magda waited until the young man had gone to murmur. "Michael, I just ask you that, this time, please don't..." “No you don't have to say it, Magda.” Michael hurriedly interrupted what he knew Magda was about to warn him. “I don't look at young girls like her anymore, I swear. Now I'm ready to change and I'll follow my father's advice. I'll look for an already mature woman who's thinking of getting married, not girls who still play at courtship.” “I hope this time it's true, Michael, that's all I hope.2 “You can count on it, Magda, take it easy.” After managing to relieve her urgency, Stephanie wiped her face and brushed her teeth before returning to the office she had left. She found Magda, who seemed to be waiting for her. "Is everything alright, Stephanie?" Magda asked when she saw the young woman return. "Yes, thank you, it's just that, you know, I needed to change…" "Ah, yes, well. In that case, I'll need you to leave a copy of your document and your details with my assistant, for the drafting of your contract." "Is it true that he's going to be my boss, I mean, Mr. Hanks's son?" Stephanie asked, hoping that what she had just heard was the product of nausea and not reality. "Yes, he will be your boss and you'll be in the Civil Law area, which is the one Michael handles." Magda noticed Stephanie's disappointment. "Come.” Stephanie followed Magda, who took her inside the office where she had done the interview. "Michael is very smart, in fact, he's more smart than intelligent, you'll notice that soon and that's why he needs an assistant who is more alert than him, do you understand?" Magda said. Stephanie nodded. "Soon you'll realize that you'll be the one in charge of preparing the cases and drafting the clients' concepts, but as for him, he'll be the one to convince the judges and get the parties in dispute to reach an agreement. Otherwise, if you have any problems with him, I suggest you go to my office first and talk, do you understand? Talk to me first." Stephanie nodded again and, for a moment, she considered if she wasn't giving her soul to the devil, but seeing Magda's expensive shoes, dress and hairstyle, she considered that, for the salary, it was worth dealing with who would be her new boss.
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