Chapter2. Ashley

1001 Words
"Gosh I miss canada." Was the first thing that came from my mouth and Adam doubled over laughing. It was so hot here in El dorado county California that my face was a sweaty mess and my blonde hair was getting stuck all over my face and in my eyes. " why aren't you sweaty?” I asked and he shrugged. " I'm a Greek god, Greek Gods don't sweat." He said and I rolled my eyes. " ok Zeus." I said and he feigned being hurt. " Zeus? Zeus sucks, I'm more like apollo I can be very deadly at times." Adam said and I laughed. There was never a dull moment when I’m around him.After getting in a taxi heading in the direction we were going to, Adam started pinching me nonestop and I slapped him on his hand. He can be so irritating sometimes and he should be happy I love him because I would have killed him a long time ago. " Adam stop acting like a child for once in your life.” I said and he pouted trying to look cute. " hey don't talk to me like that, I was just asking you if you were alright with everything." He said and I knew I was about to have a serious discussion with him. my parents died in a boating accident in lake ontario two years ago, my grandmother had an heart-attack right away after receiving the bad news. She spent two days in the hospital before she passed away and three months later, I received a call that I was now the sole owner of my grandmother's farm house and land. I wanted to save up some more before heading to Cali so I could help pay off my grandmother's debts and take care of the animals. I heard someone was keeping an eye on them so I didn't bother going back as yet, but here we are two years later. I knew how much my grandmother loved animals and because of her I grew to love them as well. She raised all different kinds of animals on her land including horses, donkeys, goats, cows, chickens,dogs etc. she sold all of the dogs that were here so I had to only take care of the rest of the animals. She would take care of them and when a buyer came by to purchase one, she made sure that they were leaving in good hands so she did some thorough background checks on the buyers which I found absolutely loving. My grandfather died while serving ten years ago and my grandmother lived alone ever since. My parents were from California and twenty two years ago they migrated to Canada to fulfill their dreams of being the best photographers there is, something they were sure they couldn't do in California. They have been taking some outrageous pictures and have been very adventurous, I sure miss them a lot and right now I wished they were here with me but that would be impossible. " I'm fine Adam, I have to be strong no matter what." I said and sighed while resting my head on the car seat. Adam began massaging my shoulders and I relaxed even more, he’s so good at giving massages. " I know hun, I know you are stronger than you look. We should start working not the farm as soon as we get some rest.” He said and I agreed with him. The farm is huge, My grandmother’s debts just kept piling up after her death and I got a call from her lawyer saying I was the sole owner of it all and if I wanted I could sell the house and animals in order to pay back the debts owed. He agreed and told me that was the best plan I came up with so far. The lawyer wanted me to sell the farm But I couldn't, it was my grandmother's dream to keep these animals and take care of them and I'm going to fulfil her dreams for her one way or the other. So that's the reason why I'm in California in this godforsaken heat instead of in Canada where it's always cold. Adam and I like to call Canada hell because we both went through some stuff there, but it was our home and we did love it there " it will be fine wont it? We just have to work really hard. the money that I saved up won't be enough so let's hope that we can sell a few of the animals and it would be enough to help with the debts. once that's out of the way the we can focus on everything else." I said and Adam nodded his head agreeing with me. " I still can't believe that your grandmother lived in such a large house by herself after the death of your grandfather, what is it like a ten bedroom or something?" Adam asked and I smiled at him. He’s going to be so shocked. " twelve but who's counting?" His mouth opened and I laughed and poked his forehead, another thing i loved to annoy him with which he shot me an irritated look in return. " ok so our plan is to pay off the debts, get a few workers, sell a couple animals and live happily ever after?" Adam said and I busted out laughing. " yeah something like that curly tail." I said and he gasp. " a pig? You're calling me a pig? Well when you think of it, maybe I am one." We laughed at that and enjoyed the rest of the journey in silence, one thing for sure this was going to be a new start for me and I was going to make my grandmother proud of me. " love you nana." I said to myself while touching the pendant she once gave me for my birthday. Let the game begin.
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