2001 Words

CHAPTER NINEAfter a while, Novella pulled herself together and dried her tears. She recognised that she would not be helping her mother by lying on her bed weeping. Splashing her face with cold water, she reflected upon her current situation. Now, instead of feeling hopeless, she felt angry again with her stepfather. ‘I must carry on in spite of his dreadful behaviour,’ she resolved, walking towards her mother’s room, ‘the least I can do is ensure that Mama has the best of everything while she still draws breath.’ The oil lamp was burning bright as Novella opened the door. Nurse Shanks looked up from her book and moved to rise. “How is Mama?” “Very weak, Lady Novella.” “Do – do you think she will last the night?” Nurse Shanks looked at Novella with a pained expression. “I am not a

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