2022 Words

CHAPTER EIGHTAs promised, Mrs. Armitage brought Novella her luncheon on a tray but did not even put her head in the door. She simply unlocked it and quickly pushed the tray through the crack. Novella had considered attempting to force the door back, but she felt too tired and weak. “How is Mama?” she shouted as she heard the lock snapping fast once more. But no reply came from Mrs. Armitage. The sun had begun its long descent in the sky by the time that Novella once again heard the sound of horse’s hooves outside. Then came the voice that immediately made her feel better – “My Lady! My Lady! We are back and I’ve brought Mr. Longridge with me.” Standing down in the garden, looking pleased with himself, was Charles. “Where is he?” Novella cried, unable to see neither hide nor hair of

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