1959 Words

‘Out here, I feel free,’ she thought, as the gates of Sir Edward’s house came into view. It was not as grand as Crownley Hall, but still possessed a graceful air. The Moretons were an old family who lived off their ancestors’ fortune made in the British Empire. Sir Edward’s grandfather had worked for the East India Company. Novella had always longed to see Tithehurst and, as Bluebell trotted through the gates, she could see Sir Edward standing at the front of the house as if waiting for someone. “Lady Novella!” he shouted in greeting, a brilliant smile on his face. “Proceed to the stables, you will find them behind the house. Salamander is waiting for you!” A groom came rushing up to her as she drew up to the stables and caught Bluebell by the bridle. “Where is Salamander?” she asked

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