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CHAPTER THREEThe next day dawned and still Novella was most concerned about her mother’s condition. Creeping into her bedroom as soon as she awoke, Novella found her coughing a great deal. Mrs. Armitage was already by the Countess’s side, with a cup of tea for her. “She is no better, my Lady,” she whispered, as Novella’s mother struggled to sit up and take a sip of her tea. “We should send for the doctor at once,” replied Novella, wringing her hands. “But his Lordship – he has said not to unless – ” “I do not care what his Lordship says, send the stable lad to fetch the doctor at once. He can take Folly – she is the swiftest horse we have.” “Very good, my Lady.” “And Mrs. Armitage – if his Lordship queries it, tell him that I will settle Doctor Jones’s account myself.” “Yes, my Lad

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