Chapter 6

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Cameron “Good morning, Mr. Greene,” Tony, today’s security greeted me as I punched in my Jesko into the underground parking lot. I parked my wheels at my reserved spot and cut off the engine. I exhaled, louder than I expected. I should’ve gotten out now, but I couldn’t convince my legs to move. I was okay before, but not after I’d seen Rachel again it was hard for me to leave her at Coffee Club. Alone. Unprotected. Were there any men hit on her before? Rachel was pretty. And she was mine. I prayed to God no one had ever hit on her, or I would kill the unlucky motherfucker. Jesus, my mind went into psychopath mode, and I turned into a Neanderthal I didn’t even recognize myself. I’d been like this ever since Rachel was in elementary. She was eight years younger than me. And I had started bullying her, Rachel’s words not mine, since I was sixteen. Maybe this was what people always said when a boy was interested in a girl, he repeatedly bullied her. I had no idea how to be nice to her. Although at that time, Rachel was trying to be polite and she wanted to be friends with me. Our families were close. It was normal if the children became friends with one another. However, I didn’t want friends, I wanted more with her. But of course, I would count a pervert if I desired a ten-year-old kid. I was even barely legal while Rachel…well, out of reach. I would go straight to jail if I touched her. f**k, how did my father hold himself with my mother? They were fifteen years apart. Almost twice the age difference between me and Rachel. Mom told me she was seventeen when she met Dad. A f*****g minor. They were already together before they had me. Should I ask for love advice from my father? A horn broke my mind as I looked to the left and saw my little brother, Christopher, inside his favorite Hurracan. “Hey there, big brother.” I pulled down my window. “Hey.” “Are you okay?” No. “Yeah,” I lied. He tilted his head. I rolled my eyes. “Okay, I’m not. Can you stop reading me? It’s getting creepy here whenever you could tell someone was lying to you?” He amusingly chuckled. “Do you want to tell me what happened before I guess?” s**t, no. “My office.” I pushed myself out, followed by my brother. We took our private elevator. I asked for one so I didn’t need to see anyone else. I only gave access to certain people, like Chris, my family, Knox, and my secretary, Nolan. I was not blind. I knew I was attractive enough to make my female staff ready to sacrifice their jobs for me. I knew some of them were hired because of me. I appreciated it, but I was never interested. Not when my mind and heart had been bound with the little doll who now loved to curse left, center, and right. “So? What happened?” Chris asked. “I visited Uncle Ricardo’s house last night. And I met Rachel.” “Oh?” he dumbfounded. Yeah, my little brother knew. “And did you try to talk to her?” “I did.” Chris knew I always tried to talk to her but I was too chickened to do it. “You know when I did, Rachel told me to f**k off.” Chris snorted. f*****g hell. My stoic little brother rarely laughed. Our mom liked to tease me that Chris was like the old version of our dad before he met Mom. Chris did laugh, but not always. Unlike me who was twitchy and temperamental, Chris was more chilled and kind of…cold. He could easily shake off women just by glaring at them and they would run away with tails between their thighs. Chris was the Director of the Operations Department. He had been into business and stuff since he was in secondary school. I was the COO of Greene Corporation. Technically, I would be the one to have all the power when Dad decided to give the company to me. Only that I didn’t really want it. It was great to have power, money, and everything. But that was not what I wanted. And I was kind of glad my father hadn’t given his title to me. He said I was too volatile to have the CEO seat now. To me, Chris fit the role more. He was calmer than me. But everything was up to our father’s decision. Our parents never pushed us to follow in their footsteps. They didn’t want what our grandfather did to our father to be repeated. They literally gave us the freedom to what the hell ever we wanted. Dad was the owner and CEO of Greene Corporation. Mom was a bestselling romance author. Her talent wasn’t in our blood. Every time she told us the plot of her next book, Chris and I were one second away from yawning and escaping. Maybe her grandkids would one day. A little brunette girl with bright chocolate eyes that could melt everyone who looked at her. Oh, f**k, Cam, what the hell were you thinking? “You finally grew some balls, huh?” Chris commented. “I had.” The elevator dinged. And I added, “She almost exploded it.” Chris laughed as I walked out, seeing Nolan already on his desk. “Morning, Cam, Chris,” he greeted and stood up. “Knox is inside already.” Knox? “What’s he doing?” “Said he comes to play.” Rolling my eyes, I opened my office door. Knox was sitting on the couch as he lifted his blue eyes to me. Putting up his signature smile, he rose. “My brothers!” “What are you doing here, Knox?” “Didn’t Nolan tell you? I’ve come to play. I missed my buddies.” Seriously? “Oh, you have some documents I need you to sign, Cam. I’ve put them on your desk,” Nolan told me. “Will you please get it done before you go home? You already did yesterday and I had to clear out your mess,” he sarcastically added. Chris chuckled. “Nolan, I hate you,” I snarled and slammed the door. I could hear his chuckles outside. Asshole. I went straight to my desk. My eyes landed on the papers I abandoned yesterday and additional papers right next to them. “f*****g hell.” Knox came closer and asked, “Did you have something else to do yesterday that made you abandon your duty?” “He finally grew the balls to finally talk with his doll,” Chris cheekily told him. “Oh, f*****g finally, man. How did it go?” “Rachel told him to f**k off.” Knox laughed hard. I glared at them. “You two done? Go back to work, assholes.” They weren’t insulted. On the contrary, they were amused. They liked watching me losing my mind because of Rachel. I claimed my seat and angrily grabbed the top document left from yesterday. Chris and Knox sat in front of me. “I wasn’t here just to play, Cam. I wanted to invite you guys to my first game,” Knox explained. That caught my attention. His first game? “Are you now?” Knox nodded his head excitedly with a smile attached to his face. “Jeez, man, congratulations,” Chris said. “You never told us you were playing again.” The last time he did, Knox was just a backup player if the main one was injured or was just unable to play. “Well, maybe you can blame it on my parents’ DNA. Or my mother’s because I was thinking too much about them. But Dad finally knocked me cold. He wanted to retire because he wanted to spend more time with my mother. But he also has a thing with IT stuff. So, I dealt with that first while Dad was on the field. I came to practice, too, sometimes. Now that he was off the field, it’s time for me to take on the baton.” “But this is what you want, right?” I clarified. “Of course! I love both football and computer. It’s cool and easier to get a chick with a smart brain and all muscle.” Chris and I laughed. Knox was the only son of Zack and Lily Miller. Uncle Zack was the quarterback. Aunt Lily had her own consulting company. Her company was our consultant. She personally took care of us. Knox was only two years younger than me. He had been an amazing quarterback since high school. Not that he abandoned his dream, he went on practice too while taking care of his father’s company, which was a partner of mine. He was the one who dealt with the security in the building. The genius blood went down straight to Knox. Lucky man. “Congrats, man. When’s the game?” “October. I’ve prepared tickets for our families, and I was hoping you could properly invite Rachel.” Knox pulled out two tickets and slipped them on my desk. “Be nice to her, Cam. You know what you did before was wrong; try to be civilized with her. Rachel is a sensitive girl. She pulls out her claws as her defensive mechanism. It’s natural whenever you're near her. Be patient with her. She would eventually melt.” “You know her too well.” s**t, my voice came out as a growl. Knox laughed again. “Jesus, brother, I have no interest in that woman. Rachel is sweet, but she’s like a sister to me. Screwing her would be like screwing my own sister if I ever had one.” “This is your chance to fix your mistake, big brother. Besides, her parents don’t have you even though you basically…cracked her,” Chris said. “Is that the only better word you could give?” Knox asked. Chris shrugged. I smirked. I knew my friends only wanted the best for me. The only one who punched me after what I did was Lucas. And Mackenzie. Lucas punched me. Mackenzie slapped me. So coincidentally, they rewarded me with each cheek getting stamped. But since I was an asshole and I had no desire to change that, “I never did anything wrong,” I convinced them. “That’s what you always said for the past five years,” Chris commented. “Maybe it wasn’t for you, but you destroyed what she had always wanted,” Knox continued. “I never thought that would make her have a phobia over goddamn scissors!” “Well, think about it, you f****d-up her hair, which was her crown and what she wanted to be before. And you used her favorite scissor to top the sundae. What were you expecting? If you wanted to mark her, at least not by screwing something she loved.” “I was a child.” “And you’re still acting like one. And for the record, you were twenty-four already, Cam. Therefore, you were a proper adult, and you knew what you were doing,” Chris stated. f**k. “You were jealous, Cam, and your jealousy turned you into a caveman angrily cutting your woman’s hair. You hurt her because of your own issue.” “Ah, Knox, Cam had paid his penance. Did you remember that?” Knox cheekily asked. “Did anyone tell Rachel about it?” “I will f*****g kill you two if you told her.” “Why? Maybe that will soften Rachel a bit. I still have the result, by the way.” “No,” I sternly said. “She doesn’t need to know. Just let her continue hating me.” “Why?” Why? It was part of my fun. Yes, I didn’t like it when Rachel cursed at me. That was so unladylike. f**k, maybe I was indeed a bully. I liked seeing her angry face, in trouble, hissing like a cat. Overall, I wanted more. I wanted all her expression. I wanted to see her when she was happy, when she was sad, everything. Although maybe the only thing that made her happy was me staying out of her way. Out of f*****g question. Now that I knew what Rachel looked like when I was around, I couldn’t stay away anymore. And today, after her shift finished, I would pick her up. I would take her to dinner. I would take her home. I looked at my brother and best friend, waiting for my answer. s**t, I was a certified jerk. Smirking, “Let’s just say bullying is my love language to Rachel,” I told them. Chris shook his head. “Mom will spank you.” “Worse, Uncle James would kick his ass.” “One day, when you two have found your women, you will understand me,” I reminded them. “Oh, no. I’m happy single,” Knox stated while raising his hands. “I have no desire to find a woman now,” Chris calmly said. “Yeah, yeah, that’s what you two are saying now. Once you find the one that manages to screw up your mind, you will come whining to me and asking me how to deal with that s**t. When that time comes, I will be the one laughing at your poor asses.” “Wanna bet?” “I bet five grand you will find someone after your first game, Knox. A publicist, at least. And Chris with that model friend Mackenzie has. Five grand each.” “That’s not going to happen. Instead of betting on us, you need to get everything done if you want to pick up Rachel today,” Chris tried to avoid me. “Oh, on second thought,” I pulled out my phone and looked for Rachel’s number. I dialed it while looking at them. “I won’t be able to wait that long. I want to have lunch with her. And I won’t accept a no as an answer.”
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