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Juliette hadn’t entered Eve’s room in at least six months. She tapped gently. “It’s just me,” she called out. The door creaked open an inch. One of Eve’s eyes peered through the crack. “Do you need something?” Juliette fingered her eyeglasses back into place. “I’m really sorry to bother you right now, but do you mind if I come in for just a minute?” Eve opened the door slowly and slid out of the way. Juliette bit her lip to hide her shock. Clothes were strewn across the floor and bed. Several dishes that had been missing from downstairs lay discarded in corners of the room. One blanket hung bunched up over some dirty laundry; the other dangled off the bed in a wrinkled mess. “I’m sorry about the clutter.” Eve gestured to the single chair covered in food wrappers. “I didn’t know you’d be coming.” “This is your room.” The words were much more dignified than Juliette felt. She sat down carefully once Eve cleaned the junk off the seat. “You can do whatever you want with it.” As much as she tried to act naturally, Juliette found her head turning from side to side as she let her eyes sweep across the room like a panorama camera. Eve didn’t seem to know whether to sit or stand, so eventually Juliette motioned to the corner of the bed. “I’m actually here because Mr. Stern lost his watch. I was wondering if you happened to see it when you were cleaning up yesterday or today.” “No, ma’am. Is there anywhere in particular you’d like me to go over and look?” Juliette shook her head. “It’s probably in our room somewhere. He takes it off every night and puts it on his end table.” “How long has it been missing?” “Just since this morning.” Juliette continued to study Eve out of the corner of her eye. “I don’t think you’ve been in there since then, have you?” “No, ma’am. I usually only clean your room on Mondays and Thursdays.” “That’s what I thought.” Something in the far corner grabbed Juliette’s attention, and she had her answer. She knew exactly where the watch was, but she kept her face expressionless and forced herself to continue chatting for the sake of etiquette. “So, how are you and Mee-Kyong getting along?” Juliette could tell by Eve’s face that the conversation would be short-lived. ***
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