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“What are you doing up?” Juliette put both hands on Eve’s shoulders after nearly running into her on the dimly lit staircase. Eve wiped her cheek where mascara dribbled down her face like an oil spill. “Nothing. I was just thirsty.” Juliette squinted. Something was wrong besides the smeared makeup. “Aren’t those Kennedy’s clothes?” Eve shoved Juliette’s hands away. Shouldering past, she vaulted up the steps. Juliette spun around and just barely caught her wrist. “I’m not angry, sweetie. I just want to know what’s going on.” Eve yanked her hand free and mumbled something. The only word Juliette could make out was alone. Her experience raising one moody teenage daughter kept her from following Eve up the stairs. “It’s always something,” she muttered to herself. Brushing her hair with her hand, Juliette straightened her back and reminded herself of the good news she had to tell Kennedy. She would worry about Eve in the morning. She made herself some hot chocolate while she waited for her computer to start up, wondering how to tell her daughter about Mee-Kyong’s conversion. She’d have to be careful, just in case the Chinese government decided to sneak a peek into her outbox one day, but there were ways to get around the potential censoring. With a mug of steaming chocolate perched on the desk next to her, Juliette told her daughter about a new “friend” who had decided to join the family. In fact, she’ll be going for a little swim this coming Sunday! The line reminded her Mee-Kyong would need something to wear at the baptism. I hope you don’t mind if she borrows one of your bathing suits. After getting the news out of the way, she turned her attention toward Kennedy. Are you getting enough sleep? How many dates have you been asked on so far? Juliette sighed. Sometimes living so far away from Kennedy felt like someone shoved a vacuum tube right in the center of her gut and turned it on. I miss you. I hope we get to see you soon. I know you’ll have a great time at your aunt’s at Christmas. She’s looking forward to spoiling you. Wish I could, too. Juliette thought about Kennedy thousands of miles away, across oceans and continents. It had been over a week since she had last heard her daughter’s laugh. Sometimes she shut her eyes and forced herself to recall Kennedy’s voice in her mind, just so she wouldn’t one day forget it completely. Send me some pictures of you and your friends when you get the chance. Love, Mom Juliette rested her chin on her hand. Was it really last year when Kennedy sent in her applications and got accepted into Harvard? Was it just last spring Juliette had dressed Kennedy up in her gown and watched her throw her cap in the air with the other graduates from the All Girls American School? She took a sip of cocoa and reminded herself raising Kennedy wasn’t always easy. The older her daughter grew, the more stubborn she became. She didn’t want her mom breathing down her back about homework or curfews or chaperones. She took offense whenever her dad raised questions about her outfits or her boyfriends. They had a huge fight when Kennedy tried to wear that miniskirt to the school dance. Juliette shook her head and turned off the computer, nostalgic for the days when her family’s only troubles were how far a hemline fell above the knee. She pouted to herself, trying to remember. Was that the same skirt Eve had been wearing on the stairs? What had that girl been up to? Juliette got up and stretched, the stiffness in her joints and heaviness in her head reminding her it was way past bedtime. Tomorrow she would talk with Eve. Tonight she would at least try to relax. ***
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