Chapter 6: A Sudden Attack

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The night sky was clear, stars twinkling faintly above as Emma returned to the cabin. Her mind was still swirling from the intense moments with Jace and Leo over the past few days. She had thought that spending time with each alpha would help her decide, but it only deepened her confusion. How could she choose when both men had such a firm hold on her heart? The forest around her was quiet, and the usual sounds of nocturnal creatures were strangely absent. The hairs on her neck prickled, and an unsettling sensation crept over her skin. Something was wrong. Suddenly, a low growl echoed through the trees, sending a shiver down her spine. Emma froze, her pulse quickening. She scanned the dark woods, her heart pounding in her chest. She was alone, and the sense of being watched was suffocating. Before she could react, shadows burst from the trees, moving impossibly fast. A blur of fur and claws closed in on her, and Emma barely had time to scream before a rogue werewolf lunged at her, knocking her to the ground. The force of the impact stole the breath from her lungs, pain shooting through her as she hit the cold, hard earth. Her vision blurred, but she could make out the snarling face of the rogue above her, its yellow eyes gleaming with malicious intent. This wasn’t just an attack—this was a targeted assault, and she was the prey. “Help!” Emma gasped, struggling against the weight of the rogue. But she was pinned, powerless beneath its strength. A deep, thunderous growl tore through the air when she thought it was over. Jace. His massive wolf form slammed into the rogue, sending it off her. Emma scrambled back, her body trembling with fear and adrenaline. Jace stood protectively before her, his silver fur bristling as he bared his teeth at the rogue. But before he could make another move, more wolves appeared from the shadows—at least three of them, circling with deadly intent. Emma’s heart raced. This wasn’t just a random attack. These rogues were organized and coordinated, and they had come for her. Out of the darkness, another figure appeared—Leo. His dark wolf form moved with lethal grace, his eyes glowing with fury. Without hesitation, he charged at one of the rogues, teeth sinking into its side. The rogue howled in pain, but Leo didn’t relent, his strength overwhelming his opponent. Jace and Leo fought side by side, a rare sight for two rival alphas. But there was no rivalry or territorial dispute at that moment—only the instinct to protect Emma from the threat surrounding her. The battle was fierce, the air filled with snarls and teeth clashing. Emma could barely keep up with the chaos, her body frozen with fear. She knew both alphas were powerful, but the sheer savagery of their fight was terrifying. As the rogues began to retreat, wounded and outmatched, one of them made a desperate move. It lunged at Emma again, its yellow eyes filled with hatred. Time seemed to slow as Emma saw the rogue’s claws aimed straight for her, and for a split second, she thought this was the end. But then, Jace was there. He threw himself between her and the rogue, taking the full force of the attack. A pained growl escaped him as the rogue’s claws raked across his side, but he didn’t fall. With a snarl of pure fury, he tore into the rogue, ending the fight in a brutal flash of teeth and blood. Emma’s body trembled as the rogue collapsed, its body lifeless. The sudden quiet was deafening; the only sound was the ragged breathing of both alphas as they stood victorious. Jace shifted back into his human form, blood dripping from the gashes on his side, but his eyes were locked on Emma. “Are you okay?” he asked, his voice strained with pain. Emma nodded, though she wasn’t sure if she was okay. Her entire body was shaking, adrenaline still coursing through her veins. “Jace, you’re hurt…” “It’s nothing,” Jace said, but the grimace on his face told her otherwise. Leo shifted, his dark eyes scanning the surroundings for any remaining threat. “This was no random attack,” he said, his voice cold and furious. “They came for her.” Emma’s heart sank. She had suspected as much, but hearing it out loud made it all the more terrifying. “Why? Why would they target me?” Jace and Leo exchanged a look, one that was heavy with unspoken words. “They want to use you, Emma,” Jace finally said, his voice tight. “You’re the key to the prophecy. If they can control you, they can control the outcome.” Emma felt the weight of his words crash over her. She had known about the prophecy, about how she was somehow destined to unite their packs, but she hadn’t realized just how much danger that put her in. She wasn’t just caught between two alphas—she was a pawn in a much larger game, one that could determine the fate of both packs. “We need to get you somewhere safe,” Leo said, his voice firm. “They’ll come back; next time, they’ll be more prepared.” Jace nodded in agreement, though his jaw was clenched in frustration. “We can’t let them take you.” Emma looked between the two alphas, her mind racing. “But where can I go? If they’re after me, won’t they follow?” “We’ll keep you hidden,” Leo said, his tone resolute. “They won’t get past us.” For a moment, Emma felt a flicker of hope. But then the reality of the situation hit her—Jace and Leo could barely tolerate each other on a good day. How were they supposed to work together to protect her? “You can’t fight them alone,” Emma said, her voice shaky. “Not if they’re coming in numbers like that.” “We won’t be alone,” Jace replied. “Both packs will protect you. This is bigger than just our rivalry.” Leo’s expression darkened. “That doesn’t mean we trust each other.” Emma swallowed hard. The tension between the two alphas was palpable, and she could feel the strain it was putting on them. But she had no other choice. She needed their protection if the rogues were after her, no matter how uneasy the alliance was. Jace stepped closer to her, his golden eyes softening. “I’ll make sure nothing happens to you, Emma. I swear it.” Leo was right behind him, his dark gaze intense. “I’ll do whatever it takes to keep you safe.” Emma felt her heartache at their words, torn between the two men willing to risk everything for her. But even as she stood between them, she couldn’t ignore the growing fear inside her. The prophecy. The rogues. The war that was brewing. It was all too much. But for now, she had to survive. And that meant trusting Jace and Leo, no matter how fragile their alliance was. “Alright,” Emma said quietly. “I trust you both.” The next few days passed in a tense blur. Emma stayed under the protection of both alphas, moving between the Silver Moon and Darkwood territories as they worked to strengthen their defenses. She spent her days surrounded by their pack members, but the tension between Jace and Leo was always there, simmering beneath the surface. At night, she would lie awake, the weight of the prophecy pressing down on her. She was the key to uniting their packs, but at what cost? And what if the rogues came back? Could she trust Jace and Leo to keep her safe when they could barely stand in the same room? One evening, as Emma sat by the fire in the Silver Moon pack’s main lodge, Jace joined her, his expression weary. “I’ve been thinking,” he said, sitting beside her. “About what?” Emma asked, her voice soft. “The prophecy. What if there’s more to it than just uniting the packs?” Jace’s golden eyes met hers, a deep seriousness in his gaze. “What if the real threat is something neither of us can face alone?” Emma frowned, confusion knotting her brow. “What do you mean?” Jace hesitated for a moment before speaking again. “The rogues… they’re being organized. Someone is leading them, using them to target you. And I don’t think it’s just about the prophecy anymore. I think something bigger is going on that we don’t fully understand.” Emma’s heart raced at his words. “Do you think… it’s the same person behind the prophecy?” Jace nodded slowly. “It’s possible. And if that’s true, then we’re dealing with a threat far more dangerous than rival packs.” Emma’s mind reeled with the implications. Whoever was behind the prophecy and the attacks weren’t just after power—they wanted to control her, to control the fate of both packs. And if Jace was right, the real danger was still lurking in the shadows, waiting to strike. “We need to find out who’s behind this,” Emma said, her voice filled with determination. “Before it’s too late.” Jace nodded, his expression grim. “Agreed. But we’ll need Leo’s help to do it.” Emma’s heart sank. She had known it would come to this—working with both alphas to uncover the truth—but dragging them deeper into the danger made her stomach churn. Still, there was no other option. If they didn’t act soon, the rogues would come for her again; next time, they might not be so lucky.
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