Deals and agreements

1081 Words
Lucy "Wait," Alpha Jax called out from behind me, making me halt in my tracks. "Have you lost your mind?" he added, his tone laced with incredulity. "I'm the head of the High Table. To go against me is to go against the Ace of Spades. And you know what this means, right?" I turned around slowly, my face void of any smile. "Consequences. Yes, I am well aware," I replied evenly, meeting his gaze head-on. Alpha Jax pulled out a stick of cigar from his jacket and lit it up, his movements deliberate and intimidating. He held my gaze as he took a puff of smoke, the air around us thick with tension. "Do you think you can handle the smoke?" he challenged, his voice low and gravelly. I held his gaze with a touch of confidence, refusing to back down. "Doesn't matter what I can handle or can't handle. You're the one leaving me with no choice," I retorted, my voice steady despite the rising tension. Alpha Jax shook his head after another puff of smoke, a flicker of resignation crossing his features. "Night star ,Night star, Night star , the greatest of them all . It's fine, Pardon my earlier outburst. lets blame it on the alcohol, you know I easily lose it when I consume too much" he muttered, his tone softer now, almost apologetic. "It would cost me nothing to place a bounty on your head ,but at what cost we both lose in the end . Things don't have to end this way between us, it doesn't need to end with bloodshed. How about I cut you a deal, I'm certain you can't turn down?" I sighed, feeling the weight of his words bearing down on me. Avoiding his intense gaze, I nodded. "I'm listening,". He took a step closer, his presence looming over me as he approached. "So, let's say you are really serious about wanting to quit the Ace of Spades, which I find rather hard to believe, I mean you're not just any kind of killer ,you're the best of the very best and my favourite one" he began, his voice low and measured. "You already know the only way out of our prestigious organization is in death, you knew the rules when you signed up. You walk out that door, your life is in danger. You try to quit forcefully, your life would be in even more danger. Unless you somehow manage to kill everyone of us in the syndicate, which I consider technically impossible." Alpha Jax paced around the room, the smoke from his cigar curling around him like a sinister halo. "What are the odds of you killing everyone and walking out of the ace of spade alive?" he mused, his tone heavy with skepticism. "That's going to be a million to one, let's say you somehow got lucky and manage to kill every single one of us, even in our death you'll still be tormented, you'll never have the peace that you desire, you are going to keep looking over your shoulders for the rest of your life ." He was right. I should have known what I signed up for when I joined the Ace of Spades. I was just a young girl with a lot of ambition and a lot of resentments toward the world, no mother ,no father and no parental figure of any sort, no pack to guide me, I was nothing but a goddamn forsaken rouge , despised by the moon goddess and forsaken by life. I didn't think about the consequences that came with quitting. I guess I never knew the day would come when I would desire a different type of life. Reminiscing about my past make made me remember the failure of a person I was. I lost my patience, clearing my throat as I impatiently asked, "What are you getting at, your majesty, can you f*****g hit the nail by the head already?" He looked at me as if staring into my soul, his eyes piercing and intense. "What if I say I can grant you the freedom you desperately wish for?" he proposed, his words hanging in the air like a tantalizing promise. My jaw dropped in disbelief. "That's impossible". That's bending the rules Why would he do me such a favor?" I blurted out Alpha Jax laughed, a sound that echoed with the weight of his authority. "I'm the Alpha King and head of the table. Of course, I can bend the rules," he explained, his tone casual yet commanding. "But first, you really need to help me kill this guy, for moon's f*****g sake." I contemplated the offer for a few seconds, my mind racing with doubts and suspicions. This sounded too good to be true, like something out of a fairy tale. I needed more details, needed to confirm that this wasn't a setup. One known fact about the Ace of Spades: you could never trust anyone, not even the Alpha King, the so-called head of the high table. I remained silent, staring into his eyes, I searched for any clues or slip-offs from his end. In all my years in this business, he had the most honest facial expression I'd ever seen. Or maybe he was just doing a very good job at deceiving me, and I was taking the bait like a little child. Regardless of whether it was true or not, it was definitely worth the risk, so long as I got my freedom from these shadows. Alpha Jax was done smoking the cigar, tossing the remnant on the ground and putting it out with his feet. He placed his palms into his pockets, his chest puffed forward as he asked, "So, what's it going to be, Angel of Death? Do we have a deal, or are we going to end this the old-fashioned way?" Walking back to the table, I examined the pillars of cash with a smirk on my lips. "Do I also get to keep these?" I asked, my tone tinged with amusement. A smile played on Alpha Jax's lips as he shook his head in amusement. "Of course. Consider that your bonus," he replied. I picked up the bottle of whiskey lying beside the briefcase and poured myself a generous amount into the empty glass. Taking a gulp of the whiskey, I relaxed into Alpha Jax posh seat and faced him. "I think we have ourselves a deal."
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