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JASMINE I cracked an eyelid to the intense light that filtered into my eyes at dawn. The splitting headache that aroused as I blinked way too quick, confusion laced the lines of my brows and my ears rang bells in a distance. I rolled over and the first face I see was that of a stranger and I gasped harshly. What the... I didn't finish the sentence as I quickly realised how naked I was and where I was. I knew for a fact that I was not where near my apartment and this room was way too lavish to be my parents dump of a house. My eyes scanned the room, a full ache already behind my eyes and my eyes land on my clothes. I gasp some more when my wolf howled in excitement and in between my thighs felt yummier than they normally did when I was with Jake. I pressed my thighs together and memories of the night before flooded in puzzles. I palmed my head quietly and instantly everything about the memory felt disgusting. I took one last gaze at the man who nestled in his pillows, his face was the most handsome I had ever seen but to think he would take advantage of me? I quietly slides off of the bed and went to pick up my clothes, my hands shaking but not as much as my thighs. After getting dressed, I locked him in his room and walked away. That was the least he deserved for what he did. I got back to my apartment and the letter was the first thing I saw before I even entered my apartment fully. I sighed a sad one and gently locked the door while picking up my disgrace from the floor where it had been. My heart broke all over again as I read both letters, with a heart of determination, I squeezed the paper in my hands. Why should I feel like a little wretch when he was out there, about to be married to Goddess knows who. He had the audacity to send me a rejection letter, ending my three years relationship with him while he allowed some other woman to cocksuck him and have him out a ring on her finger. Where was she when I slaved for him and made him chicken soup when he was sick? Or the money I borrowed him and had my parents curse me out for weeks and not to mention just some time ago where my own mother embarassed me because of him. I was not going to stay here and cry my self to a shithole, I knew what I was going to do.I was going to go shopping, have my dress and look incredibly hot to that wedding, after all he invited me. In minutes, I was out of the house and straight to a boutique where I picked out a high slit dress with a dangerously low cut back that hugged my curves and showed the tattoo that went along the lines of my spine. I opened another piercing on my ears and had my hair dyed to fiery red. If it was a war he wanted, then rest assured that that was what I intended to do. I arrived fashionably late to the wedding, to the part where the priest asked if there was anyone who didn't want the matrimony. As I stood at the double doors of the church service, my presence casted a pause on the occassion and I noticed how everyone's jaw dropped,including my ex. I smiled at him and he fidgeted, his bride's face still looked across at him and I stood still,waiting for her attention, since I dressed up so much for it. I needed to show her how much scrape she picked at my trash and was now wedding but when she turned to me, my smile wiped off my face and her scowl turned into a sneer. Why on Earth was Jake getting married to my own colleague. Blooms Rowell. "Yes?" She asked from the podium, a sneer still on her face and my body immediately broke out in a cold sweat as I nodded shamefully. I quickly squeezed myself in a seat and the endearing sneers and stares I got from everyone else made it feel as though I sat with hotter coals or that I had horns sprouting from my head. I gulped down and wished I at least brought a drink with me, immediately after the I do's and the you may kiss the bride. I felt disgusted and ashamed that out of everyone that Jake could cheat on me with, it had to be none other than the brat at work. I sighed. Soon,it was time for the audience to greet the couple one by one and I have never felt as though the world should open up and chew me whole when it got to my turn. As I approached, my heels suddenly aching my feet and my arms and palms sweating, I see bloom talk to another lady, possibly her chief bridesmaid and they both looked at me and shared a giggle. "I didn't think you'd make it?" She said once I finally became close to earshot. I smiled and didn't say anything else, not because I didn't want to but because I couldn't. "So, did you bring someone? My bridesmaids would love a pair" she smirked and my ears grew hot and they shared a laugh. I looked at Jake, expecting his expression to be that of guilt but tell me why he also shared a smile with his b***h of a wife. "You know what? She actually did" I heard someone say and place a heavy hand on it. His scent had me closing my eyes a second. "But I'm afraid, I'm just for her and her only. She's my lady, don't go joking like that. Isn't that right, Jasmine?" His thick accent made me turn to him, appreciation holding my eyes dear and in it's palms but the moment my eyes landed on his, a mischievous glint glowed at the tips of his eyes and a knowing smirk became out of nowhere while my face couldn't hide the sheer horror and I tried to step away from him but he held me down only for a second before I walked away from the crowd noticing only too late that nearly everyone had their heads bowed. I heard shuffling of feet and approaching footsteps where I stood and hailed a taxi. I only saw him seconds late when my door closed and the taxi moved. I breathed in deeply and closed my eyes. How is it that I not only had one embarassing moment but two? Goddess, this has to be the last time. I said to myself. *** It's been three weeks since Jake's accursed wedding, I continuously stalked him on almost all social platforms. At first it was hard to go to work but after I had no encounter with either of the men that ruined me, I was confident that nothing would happen. My phone rang in a distance, I was currently seated cross legged enjoying a horror movie when the piercing sounds of my mobile reached me, startling me in real life. I got up, wondering who on Earth would ring me up so early in the morning. "Hello?" I answered the call, obviously annoyed at the audacity. "Jasmine! Please we need you here at the clinic" the urgency of my intern made me alert immediately. I looked at my pager and found no calls there and I furrowed my brows. "Why didn't you call me!? I could have gotten there sooner" I shouted at her and didn't wait for her to explain before I quickly ended the call, put off my appliances and took off straight to my clinic. I got there just before 7am and immediately my face was seen, my intern rushed to me and began to talk at once. I haven't even had my daily dose of coffee before I hushed her. "What's the diagnosis?" I asked her, even though she led me to the operating room where I could hear the whimpering of a dog obviously in pains. I looked at my intern with annoyance that she hadn't placed the dog to sleep yet. After hours of tedious work, I finally had the dog out of the operating room and had requested that she let the owner of the dog know about his feet and was free to go been that I didn't meet with the owner. I went to my office and the coffee pot greeted me in a language only I understood at that point. I was in the middle of having my coffee when a knock sounded on my door. Grunting, and irritated I eyes the door and thought whether it was best to pretend until another knock sounded and I sighed. "Come in. You better have a good explanation for not allowing me to have my early coffee" I said and turned around to get to my desk and have a seat, my waist was killing me but not as much as my legs and head. I hadn't sat down when I recognised the scent that suddenly attacked my nostrils and I whipped around in time to see the most handsome one night stand, standing in my office like a god. "Jasmine" he echoed my name like it mattered and my legs gave way. "What are you doing here?" I asked, masking my attraction for irritation. He smiled at me and moved closer towards me while I shifted back. My stomach churned and I placed a hand over it. "I wanted to say thank you" he said, genuinely and I felt like puking. "For what, asshole?" I asked and his face contorted in confusion before breaking in laughter. "For saving my dog" he said and paused, my hand went to my mouth in a second and he noticed my movement. "You okay?" He asked me but his question irritated me for no reason and I looked at him with annoyance. "If that's all, you're welcome and get out" I said to him and whipped my head towards my seat, he caught my arm in his and soun me around towards him. The movement made my eyes see stars. "I also couldn't stop thinking about you" he said but I couldn't hear him, bile rose faster than I could control, my mouth tasted another type of acidic component and I found myself bringing up everything that I had and hadn't eaten. He had stepped back from me in time but after I was done emptying my bowels, my head spinned so quickly, I didn't know when I hit the ground. I awoke and my head banged with all seriousness and again the first face I saw was the face of the same one night stand. I groaned and tried to sit up but another hand pressed into my shoulders to stop my movements. "It isn't okay for the baby" I heard her voice. My head whipped to her side, my eyes widened with surprise. "What...what did you just say?" I asked her, her piercing white uniform cutting my eyes at the sides. "Yes, Mrs Blackwell. You and your husband here are three weeks pregnant. Congratulations" she said. I looked at her as she walked out of the ward and looked at the stranger with the worst you can think of. "Now that it's all easy, what do you say to marriage?" He asked me, pride and joy been a contrast to the insane torment and turmoil happening in me. My eyes still remained wide as another nurse called him away. There was no way in hell I was going to let him come back to meet me here. With my medical skills, I released myself from the needles fixed to my arms and ran out of the hospital and just like before as I heard shuffling feet and approaching footsteps, he met me when my taxi's door was s**t and driving past him. There was no way I was going to marry a stranger then have his baby.
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