
1403 Words

Jasmine I kept glancing at my watch waiting for 6pm to strike. It was currently 4:40pm yet I was so eager for time to move fast. Lucius would be picking me up for the dinner which he wants to take me. I had insisted that he doesn't have to worry when deep down I was actually excited. To be honest, I was shocked to the core when he bursted into the doctor office earlier. First of all, I don't know how he knew which hospital I went to. Yes, I did told him I would be going to the hospital. And seeing the way Lucy was all around him earlier telling him her doctor wants to meet them together, I didn't put that much thought. But then again, I was relieved that he came. I was in that thought when the door to my clinic was slide open and a client walked in with his dog wiggling his tongue. I

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