Chapter 3

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                The music begins and I am pulled to the dancefloor by one suitor after another. We engaged in polite conversation, but nothing about any of them intrigue me at all. I have a desire to have a suitor who is learned and intelligent… Most of the men in the region are happy to live off their family wealth and survive off the hard work of those below them. That is not a life I desire to have. I am dancing with Lord Horice Mallaroy when I spot Professor Depardieu approaching the High King and Archduke. They stand and greet each other and seem to begin a conversation. Suddenly I see the professor gesture towards me and all three men look at me. I immediately return my gaze to Horice, my heart pounding in my chest. What on earth did the professor say to them to cause all of them to look my way. Surly he did not suggest me for the position once finding out that he is not only Master of the Region, but High King as well. It would be foolish of him to suggest such a thing… Me… A woman… and newly graduated to boot. To accept this position with the high king would be dangerous and unpractical for a person in my position.                 The music ends and I curtsy to Horice. “Thank you, Lord Mallaroy, for a lovely dance.” He bows to me, retuning the sentiment as Duke Reginald Courtright approaching for his dance with me. I smile and await his approach, dreading this dance as his is twice my age and a terrible bore. He reaches me and bows, I curtsy in response and move to take his hand when a voice next to me interrupts. “I am afraid I must ask for your sport on the dance card sir.” I freeze, praying that this is not who I think it is. The duke turns and bows to the voice, “Of course High King, as you wish,” Reginald says before he turns and walks away. I feel sick. I turn towards the voice and am now face to face with the massive man we were introduced to at the beginning of the ball. “May I have this dance?” He asks, as if I am dim and have not realized that I am to dance with him by my lack of resposne. I blush, embarrassed by my shock, and curtsey all the way to the floor as is expected, and he bows, offering me his hand. I hesitantly take it as the music begins. We start to twirl around the floor falling in line with the other dancers.                 “Lady Abigail Barclay-Gillingham. I knew your father before he passed. I was unaware that he had a child.”                 I nod. “My mother was newly with child when he was killed in battle with the orcs. He was unaware that he was to be a father.”                 “Tragic. Being a father is one of the greatest joy a man can feel I am told. I was only four when your father came to mine to request assistance. Just a few months before the battle.”                 I nod, not knowing what to say. Lord Barclay-Gillingham would not have allowed this ruse to be perpetrated my aunt has told me, and he was unable to have children from an accident that occurred when he was a boy. She entered her marriage knowing she would never have children, which is why she was willing to take me on. I was the daughter she never would have herself. “I apologize,” he says, pulling me out of my thoughts, “I should not be bringing up such a painful topic. I can see on your face that it is unpleasant for you to talk about.” I smile and nod, not knowing what else to say.                 “Depardieu has informed me that you have recently graduated and that you wish to educate. That you are passionate about bringing education to all.”                 “Yes,” I finally find my voice. “My Aunt and Uncle are in Lukomorye and have never had children because of the state of their region. It is heartbreaking to know that two well educated and remarkable people are not able to pass their love of learning to offspring.”                 He nods. “Yes, we are aware of what is going on in Lukomorye since the new Master took over. Are you close with your aunt and uncle?”                 This is a trick question. There is no way for me to say yes as travel to that region is banned by their Master. “Sadly no. My mother and her sister, my aunt, were best of friends growing up. They both trained in school to be bakers from a love of confections… She tells me often about her. I think it makes her feel closer to the sister she longs to be reunited with. I know very little of my uncle as they married shortly before the new Master… I don’t believe my mother has met him actually. But my aunt does send letters sometimes, though letters from that region is hard to get.”                 He nods, he obviously has found my explanation acceptable. “So your sorrow for your mother and her sister is what drives your desire for education?”                 “Yes, I believe education is they way to help better the world. Make people more productive and lift society. A region is only as strong as its least educated person.”                 He raises his eyebrow and I am suddenly struck with the realization of who I am talking with. “I am so sorry. I apologize for speaking out of turn. It was naïve of me to voice my woman’s opinion on topics that I do not know about.” I lower my eyes, the shame written all over my face. Should he desire, he could have my title stripped for speaking in such a manor.”                 “No, it is fine. I asked for your view. But you would be wise to not spread these views unrequested. There is still a desire to keep separation of classes in most of the regions. That is what I am looking to change in Biarmaland. As the gateway to the Imperial City, I believe it is a flagship for change. I am hoping to change things for the lowest class of people for the better. Which starts with education. The current director of the school has made it clear that he will not educate children outside of the nobility, and as a friend of my uncles, I cannot simply overthrow him or replace him… so I am looking to do something… inconspicuously. Not that I am trying to hide anything from the emperor, but more that I would like to research the validity of education for all before approaching him with such a novel idea.”                 I nod. “I understand. It could be considered very strange of an idea to some.”                 “Indeed. To be forthright… I believe a woman running such a program would be ignored by those in power. With all of its advancements, Biarmaland is still somewhat repressive when it comes to the women. There are many that believe, woman, like the common people, are best suited to be in service to others. Things are not like they are here in Opona… Woman do not go to school beyond childbearing age… Yet here I stand with a woman educated to the extent that any school has to offer. And as Depardieu tells it, you scored highest for your gender… and even outscored the male school.”                 I gasp. I did not know that I outscored the men. The High King looks at me confused. “I apologize, I was not aware that I had scored such on my exams.” He smiles and nods.                 “Then allow me the pleasure of being the first to congratulate you. That is an accomplishment indeed.”                 I blush. “Thank you, High Kingyou are too magnanimous.” He shuffles nervously.                 “I apologize, did I say something?”                 “No, it is I who should apologize. I am not used to being regarded by my title. It is not something I am comfortable with. My whole life I have just been called Niko… Now, I am Master or High King. It is a strange thing to think you know who you are your entire life, just to come to the realization that you are someone else completely to the world.”                 I nod, I understand more than he knows. “I’m sorry. I have forgotten my place.” He interrupts my thoughts. “I know that this is very forward of me, but would you be interested in helping me to realize my ambition? Would you return to Biarmaland and begin educating the common children?”                 The music comes to a stop and we stop dancing. He bows and I curtsy to the floor and rise. I look at him, trying to formulate an answer when the next spot on my dance card, Lord Draco Sanentur interrupts us for his dance. I want to refuse and continue our conversation, but social etiquette demands that I take Lord Sanentur’s hand. The High King takes a step back as the music starts and I am now spinning around the floor with Draco. I can not seem to force myself to pay attention to anything he says as I am scanning the crowed for the massive form of the High King.                 “Lady Abigail, you are much distracted.” Lord Sanetur says, bringing my attention to him.                 “I am sorry Lord Sanetur. I suppose I am just overwhelmed that we have such a prestigious visitor in the region. It is exciting is it not.”                 “Yes, I suppose it is. My brother has told me that you have finished school this night, is that correct?”                 “Yes, it is. I finished my final exam earlier this day.”                 “Wonderful. You are now finished with your wild ways and ready to settle down now I presume.”                 “I’m sorry. I don’t understand.”                 “It is all well and good that you had a thirst for knowledge, but now it is time to settle down and focus on what matters. Finding an appropriate husband and producing him heirs.”                 “I take it that you wish your wife to stay at home with the children, not to be out working or pursuing dreams.”                 He laughs and his laugh cuts at my heart. It is a point of view I have been reminded about several times during the years. “What dreams could a woman have other than to be a wife and mother. Anything else would simply be preposterous.”                 I smile to hide the anger and bile rising in me. I feel sickness overcoming me at the realization that staying in this region may mean that my desire to be more may be for naught. The song finally ends, the longest song of my life, and I am thankful that that is the end of my card. I retreat to my aunt’s side and scan for the piercing green eyes of the High King amongst the crowd, but he is no where to be seen. The chair next to Master is empty and his large imposing frame is not amongst the crowd. I am disheartened to realize I may have lost my chance to do something of substance. My Aunt and I retreat to the hall where the food is laid and we take small portions of the offerings. I am eager to try the amazing food and bury my sadness in consumption. We snack and make polite conversation and then the time comes to leave. I am saddened to not have seen the High King again and climb into the carriage with a weight on my heart that is crushing.                 “I was shocked to see the High King take Duke Courtright’s spot on your card, but truth be told he is much to old for you. He is a daft old man who is chasing women well below appropriate age. It is sad, his brother was close friends with your uncle. He is old enough to be my suitor. Tragic.”                 I nod. Unable to think clearly.                 “Darling, what did you and the High King talk about pray tell?”                 “I honestly don’t know where to start. He is the one that Professor Depardieu spoke of… He is the one looking for someone to teach… and he asked me if I would like the position.”                 “Oh my word! I did not think that it was he who Gerald spoke of!” She always forgets and refers to him informally in front of me. But I pretend that I don’t notice, “What did you say dear?”                 “I did not have a chance to answer. The song ended and my dance with Lord Sanetur began. I looked for the High King the rest of the night but did not see him in order to finish our conversation.”                 “Oh dear. I hope that Gerald is able to speak to him on your behalf… did you decide on if you were to join him or stay?”                 I nod. “I think I should go. I have taken too much of your generosity already, you deserve to have happiness and I think the High King is a reasonable man. I may be able to persuade him to bring mama and papa from Lukomorye.”                 She smiles, but tears prick her eyes. “You do not know the joy that you have brough to my life my dear. I may not be your mother, but you are the daughter I always dreamed of. Know that you are my happiness. But I do think that you are a woman with a strong mind and amazing will… If you are being called to go, then go you should.”                 I lean forward and hug her; she has been the best gift anyone could ask for. We hold hands the entire ride home. When we arrive there is a messenger outside waiting for us. “I have a correspondence for Lady Barclay-Gillingham.” He says, stepping forward. I take it from him and remove a coin from my bag, handing it to him. We enter the house and I break the seal to open the letter. “Lady Barclay-Gillingham,                 Should you wish to join me in my endeavor then please send word this night. There is unrest in my region and time is a luxury which I do not have. While this may seem unreasonable, should you wish to join me then we must make haste. I wish to depart before light. I await word.                 Niko”                 I am shocked to see his informal closing on the letter, but that may be force of habit. I show the letter to my aunt and she gasps. “It seems as though our time is short my dear. You must begin packing. Althea!” She calls for Althea to begin packing my belongings and calls for Marcos, the stable hand, to come for a letter that must be delivered with utmost haste. She sits me down and tells me to pen my response immediately. I can think of nothing else to say but, “I will join you.” She seals the letter and sends it off. The rest of the night is a whirlwind. My aunt awakes the cook and requests that she packs food that will travel for me to take, and she sends her help, Margarete, to assist Althea in packing my belongings. I ask her to remove me from the dress and corset which make breathing a herculean task, and I dress in a more comfortable and appropriate travel outfit. I know that Biarmaland is much colder than Opona. My aunt gives me a fur lined coat that was her once when travel through the regions were common. I thank her and put it on, it fits as if made for me.                 The night is short and soon there is a carriage and footman at the door seeking me. They begin to load my chests on the carriage, with the last one having to go below the footman’s feet. I cannot believe how much I have acquired since coming to live here with my aunt. I climb in the carriage and am saddened to see that I am alone. I was under the misguided assumption that I would be riding with the High King, but under further reflection, I realize how inappropriate that would have been. The footman closes the door and I hold out three letters to my aunt. One if for my mother, one if for Agnes, and one is for my aunt. “I love you mother,” I call as she takes the letters from my hands. She clutches them to her chest and as the carriage begins to depart, she yelled, “I love you more than you will ever know my dear daughter.” I am suddenly overcome with emotions and feel a tear being to fall from my eye. I wipe it away and resolve that it shall be the last tear I shed, for I am on my path to destiny.
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