2176 Words

What happened next was in the highest measure unexpected. With not a word of thanks to his wife, with not a word of anger either, this man who had just undergone the most cruel torture and whose body still throbbed with pain hurriedly tottered barefoot to a telephone standing on a table. He was like a hungry man who suddenly sees a piece of bread and snatches at it greedily as the means of saving himself and returning to life. Panting for breath, Essarès took down the receiver and called out: "Central 40.39." Then he turned abruptly to his wife: "Go away," he said. She seemed not to hear. She had knelt down beside old Siméon and was setting him free also. Essarès at the telephone began to lose patience: "Are you there? . . . Are you there? . . . I want that number to-day, please, not

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