4 A Nightmare

1537 Words
Nuri’s POV Corpses, blood, blunted swords, broken shields, fallen flags, white snow ...... The snow blurred my vision, and I felt a tingling sensation as the cold wind mixed with ice particles hit my face. After a night of heavy snow, there was already a thick layer of snow on the ground, and the warhorse's hooves would sink into the snow each time it fell, and then struggle to lift it again. However, I didn't care about this. I tried to spur my horse desperately to get to my father's battlefield. "Please, hurry up." The horse spewed a white mist out of its nose and sped forward. Father, brother, I'm coming, don't be afraid ...... This was supposed to be an honorable war. Our country fought the Werebear on the northern border. As members of the Rodriguez family, we had a duty to protect our country. So my father brought his knights to the battlefield, ready to give their lives for the glory of our country. My brother, who had just come of age, was allowed by my father to join the war, which made me, who was not yet an adult, very jealous. "You stay here and wait for the news of our victory." These were my father's words to me before he left, and they were the last words he said to me before he died. My country, which my father was willing to sacrifice his life to protect, betrayed my father. Just at the height of the war, my father led thousands of knights to block the enemy's attack. However, they were short of food and medicine, and without reinforcements, their situation was dangerous. My father sent a cry for help by carrier pigeon. The king also received the message. But the king did not send reinforcements; instead, he signed an agreement with the Werebear. He gave a city on the border to the Werebear and married a princess to the King of the Werebear as a concubine, then in exchange for a temporary peace. For the knight, such an agreement is a disgrace. More than that, the king gave up the lives of our family knights, including my father's and my brother's. This is a kind of murder! It was the next day when I learned the news. A night of snow covered the battlefield and washed away the evil that had happened here. Father, Brother ...... Upon arriving at the battlefield, I saw the corner of a flag from a snowdrift with our family's totem on it. My father's golden helmet glinted in the sun. My father once told me that a knight can't lose his helmet in battle; it means he has given his life to the enemy. I dismounted in a panic and fell into the snow. I quickly got up and stumbled towards the flag. I found the bodies of my father and brother ...... ……………………………………………………………………………… Father, Brother ...... Once again, I woke up from a nightmare. It's been 5 years and I still have this nightmare over and over again. Even though I have now become a hero praised by everyone, this war is still a pain in my heart. Father, I am 22 years old. I am now a strong adult who can pull Vulcan's bow. I have not tarnished the name of our family. I defeated the Golden Dragon, and one day I will step on the Werebear Kingdom to avenge you. And, of course, the royal family ...... The early morning sun shone through the window on my face. It was already dawn and I got up to get dressed. Suddenly, a white veil fell on the ground. I picked up this veil, and there was a fragrance belonging to a woman on it. Another princess, I sneered. This is the way the royal family acts. Whenever they are afraid, they find a beautiful princess to marry off. All these years, I didn't even know there was another princess in the royal family. After washing my face, I went to my grandma's room to have breakfast with her. My grandma, Carol, is the only family I have in the world, and the only one who makes me feel warm and soft-hearted. If my grandma did not say she did not like killing and blood, I would have killed the queen at the banquet yesterday ...... and that princess. Thinking about that princess, her big watery eyes appeared in my mind. Hm, it's just a woman's little trick. "Oh, my dear Nuri, did you sleep well last night?" My grandma hugged me as soon as I entered the door. "Dear Grandma, I'm fine. I miss you so much." I hugged Carol tightly. I had been on the battlefield for the past few months and I hadn't seen her for a long time. "Oh, you defeated the Golden Dragon. Your father must be so proud of you. Oh, let me see you, you're taller than your father now." Carol said excitedly as she looked me up and down. "Grandma, no one will dare to bully our Rodriguez family anymore." I loved the feeling of being the one to protect the family. Carol took my hand and sat next to the table. "The good days are coming. Our country is now free of war, and you are getting married again. I'm really so happy." "Getting married?" I frowned, who had told my grandma the news. Carol looked very happy, her eyes filled with longing. "You're the only man in our family now. I was always worried about you when you were on the battlefield. Now you are won and about to marry Princess Sibyl. Next year, Princess Sibyl will give birth to the heir of our family. Oh, your parents will be so happy in heaven." An heir? What the hell? There was absolutely no way I am going to let a royal princess give birth to my heir. However, I couldn't bear to upset my grandma and I had to change the topic, "Grandma, let's have breakfast together." Carol was still interested in the subject of marriage. "Nuri, I know you met the princess yesterday. How was she? Was she pretty? Oh, the princess and the knight, what a nice love story." I held one hand to my forehead and rubbed my temples. It wasn't a love story, just a disgusting arranged marriage. The emperor and the queen must have been so afraid of my revenge that they sent me a very beautiful princess. I admit that I was shocked when I lifted her veil yesterday. But it was more important that she was the emperor's daughter, so I couldn't fall in love with her. Seeing my silence, Carol took my hands in hers and said at length, "I know you are still sad about the tragedy five years ago, and so am I. However, my dear grandson, one cannot live in hatred forever. The emperor also got his comeuppance; he is now seriously ill in bed and would not live for many years. You are still young and you are the best knight in our country. I hope you can let go of your hatred and live happily." I looked into Carol's eyes, where there was so much love and care. I sighed. "I wouldn't marry any princess because her father killed my father." "Oh, dear," Carol rubbed my back, just as she had comforted me as a child, "there is nothing wrong with the princess. She's just a child who grew up in the palace. She had nothing to do with what happened five years ago. And you're old enough now and you need a bride to marry and have children, it's your duty to the family." A bride? A duty to the family? If I have to have a child in order to take on the responsibility of the family, it makes no difference to me who the mother of the child is. As long as the woman is docile and loyal. Princess Sibyl's meek appearance with her head bowed reappeared in my mind. Well, she does seem to be a gental woman. No! No! No! What was I thinking? The mother of my child could be any woman, but definitely not that Sibyl princess. Marriage? Well. If she marries me, she have to follow the rules of our Rodriguez family and atone for her father's sins. More importantly, she will never have any love from me, her husband. Never. I have a thousand ways to make her feel pain. Princess Sibyl, don't blame me. Because you are the bride the Queen has placed in my hands, these are the ones you will bear. I breathed a long sigh of relief when I thought about it. This marriage wasn't so hard for me to accept anymore. "Grandma, I will marry Princess Sibyl in 10 days. Please don't worry." "Really? Oh, I have to hurry up and get your wedding room ready. Oh, I'm so happy." Carol turned to the servants and said, "We need to start getting the baby clothes ready, too. Oh, won't it be too early?" Carol covered her mouth with happiness and laughed. Baby clothes? I grimaced. Princess Sibyl, We'll see.
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