Chapter 8

841 Words

“The man had it all. Wanted none of it.” “The man had it all. Wanted none of it.”Dinner dishes were piled into the dishwasher, the TV still warm from some reality show that held zero emotional attachment. It was the calm after the storm, a nice cup of hot tea, some Chet Baker playing it low, the girls were in their bedrooms gabbing on a party line or whatever they did late at night, hopefully not deciding which former friend was a total s**t. Antonia was on the twin-sized bed on top of the covers, lying on her stomach, crossed legs bobbing in the air throwing shadows from the illuminated laptop screen. Now that she had a full name, some real detective work could commence. Marvin’s sordid story was all over the interwebs. Illicit teacher student relationships were way up there on the morbi

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